When To Start Thinking About Yourself

When to start thinking about yourself

“Start living now. Stop looking forward to special occasions. Stop holding your love for the right person to come into your life. Every day lived is a special occasion “

Mary Manin Morrisse

Whatever individual goals each person has, we can all make a series of changes that bring us closer and closer to our goals and, above all, help us have a more fulfilling and fuller life.

Knowing what you want and striving to get it, being constant and persistent, will give you many possibilities. It’s about wanting something and fighting for that something, leaving complaints aside. 

There is a series of habits and attitudes that should be left aside, to get closer and closer to a lifestyle that allows us to be happier and feel better about ourselves.

What can you do for yourself?

-Spend more time with those who deserve it

Address the problems

-Be honest with yourself

-Be yourself and feel proud

Live and enjoy the present

-Make your happiness your priority

Pay attention to your mistakes and learn from them

– Look for the positive side of difficult situations

-Be kind to yourself

– Forgive yourself and others

– Enjoy what you have, even if it is (or seems to you) little

-Give your dreams and ideas a chance

-Give a chance to new people who come into your life

Accept that things and people are not perfect 

–Focus on your goals, and work hard to achieve them every day

-Relate to others, looking for real reasons and correct reasons

-Actively nurture important relationships

-Fight against what you were before

– Compliment others for their achievements

Help the people around you

–Listen to your body and reduce your stress levels. Rest when you need it

Discover the beauty of little things

-Be solely responsible for how things are going in your life

-Focus on what you can control and on the possibility of achieving positive results.

“People with high self-esteem don’t need to feel superior to others, they don’t need to compare themselves to others. Their happiness lies in who they are and not in wanting to be better than others “(Nathaniel Branden)

What do you need to stop doing for your own good?

-Stop spending time with the wrong people

-Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons

-Stop turning down new relationships just because previous ones didn’t work

-Stop running away from your problems and face them

–Stop putting your needs on the back burner

–Stop clinging to the past

-Stop holding a grudge

–Stop worrying about past mistakes

-Stop lying to yourself

-Stop being inactive

-Stop complaining about yourself

Stop blaming others for your failures

Stop trying to buy happiness

-Stop focusing only on the happiness of others

-Stop thinking that you are not ready yet

-Stop always trying to compete against everyone

-Stop being jealous of others

-Stop allowing others to put you down

-Stop wasting your time explaining to others

–Stop trying to please everyone

Stop trying to make things perfect

-Stop always choosing the easy way out

-Stop acting like everything is fine when it isn’t

Stop worrying about everything, about anything

-Stop focusing only on what you don’t want to happen

“Nobody can go back and start over, but everyone can start creating a new future today” (Maria Robinson)

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