Type C Personality: Main Characteristics

Type C personality: main characteristics

The type C personality , or cancer-prone personality, can be mainly defined by two characteristics: the lack of negative emotions and the need for harmony.

Demonstrating the influence of psychological aspects in the onset and development of cancer has been the starting point of numerous studies, most of which concern stress and personality characteristics. Compared to the latter, the work of Morris and Greer has led to talking about the Type C personality for the first time .

According to these authors, “type C subjects” are emotionally contained towards stress, especially with respect to anger. These are subjects who show repression or inadequate expression of negative emotions. Such as, for example, aggression, anger, anger, etc. This, however, is not the only feature. Over time, many more have been discovered that have completed the profile. We will talk about it below.

Personality of type C, unlike that of type A and B

The type A profile corresponds to competitive individuals, who tend to compete in the social sphere. Their adaptation strategies make them quite aggressive in the struggle for success. In addition, they often occupy a leadership position. These people can’t stand passivity. They fill all their time with a lot of activities.

The definition of type A personality is due to Friendman and Rosenman, who also tell us that this profile tends to suffer from  arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial infarction.

Conversely, individuals with type B conduct are generally serene. They are safe, relaxed and open to emotions, even the most unpleasant . In general, this conduct corresponds to a greater emotional balance. This is why many consider it the healthiest.

Finally, the Type C personality is cooperative, complacent, conformist, perfectionist, and hardworking. Avoid conflict at all costs and seek harmony. They are people who are often on the defensive and do not express negative emotions. As a strategy of approach they frequently use inhibition, denial, emotional repression and self-aggression.

Pensive man

What is the relationship between type C personality and cancer?

Interest in the Type C personality model has increased due to some cancer data. Here are some of them :.

  • In 80% of cancer cases, the onset and development of the disease is conditioned by certain patterns of consumption. For example, tobacco or food. In this sense, controlling risky habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle can save many lives.
  • Psychoneuroimmunology studies have revealed the incidence of stress and emotions in disease prognosis and survival of diagnosed patients.
  • People with greater negative emotional inhibition are more prone to developing cancer.

Some psychological factors such as those of the Type C personality pattern can have a direct or indirect influence on the development of cancer. It is therefore important to identify the personality traits of cancer sufferers. This will allow us to know and predict the strategy needed to deal with the disease.

The role of psycho-oncology

Psycho-oncology is the psychology applied to oncology. This discipline makes it possible to identify the personalities of the person affected by cancer, creating the necessary conditions for developing healthier behavior patterns from a physical and psychological point of view.

Woman with pains

These findings can help us develop primary prevention strategies. This applies both to healthy people with type C personalities, thus decreasing the chances of developing cancer, and to people under treatment.

Psycho-oncology allows constant consultation and containment of the patient’s emotional outburst. This will prevent confusion, rejection and other psychological changes that are of no benefit during treatment.

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