Trust Is The Best Vaccine Against Contempt

Trust is the best vaccine against contempt

Trust is the confidence or firm hope that one individual places in another.  It is also presumption of oneself and of the soul in acting. This can be strengthened or weakened depending on the actions of the people.

On the other hand, self-confidence is a healthy way to communicate. It is the ability to defend oneself in an honest and respectful way. Contempt, on the other hand, can occur through insults and slander and also through behavior, gestures or attitudes.

According to psychologist Richard Wiseman, life loses its meaning when contempt, one’s own and that of others, manages to destroy one’s self-confidence and curiosity in deepening the knowledge and love of others. It is important to remember that the emotional damage caused by it needs to be treated in order to restore self-confidence and the joy of living to the individual.

How to protect ourselves from contempt

Scientific studies from the University of Hamburg, conducted by psychologist Barbara Berckhan, state that we are always exposed to verbal attacks and destructive criticism. For the expert, self-defense against verbal attacks always begins with a declaration of independence,  not allowing our state of mind to depend on others.

Whenever our mood and feelings depend on how we are treated by others, we are imprisoned. No matter how they treat us, we decide whether to be influenced. The psychologist suggests building a kind of protective shield from the contempt of others, among the many self-defense strategies.

To obtain this protective shield, which helps not to blame so much for the attitudes of others, Berckhan offers three tips:

  • Remembering a time when we kept calm, even though the situation was irritating. Mentally visualize this situation.
  • Imagine being behind a shield from which you can see and hear, but not act.
  • Choose a phrase that you can use in situations where contempt arises, such as “it doesn’t concern me” or “it’s just their thought”.

Contempt and insults are intended to irritate and provoke, so we can say that it is a stimulus that seeks a response or a negative reaction on our part. If we don’t play the game, we will protect ourselves from stressful situations and the desire for revenge.  

Habits to develop self-confidence

Every day we face situations in which having faith in ourselves can be of great help.  For example, when we ask someone for a date, when we ask a friend for a favor, or when we show up for a job interview. Not all of us or on every occasion have this confidence, so we will have to work on it.

Some people communicate too passively. Others have a way too aggressive.  Since balance is somewhere in between, we need to learn to be assertive. A secure form of communication can help us do what we want, but that’s not all. When we are sure of ourselves, we respect ourselves and we respect others too.


People who speak confidently and confidently demonstrate belief in themselves.  They are neither too shy nor too pushy. They know their ideas and feelings are important. To develop adequate security, which allows us to achieve our goals, it is essential to put into practice the following habits:

  • Express your opinion or say how it feels.
  • Ask for what you want or need.
  • Express your disagreement in a respectful way.
  • Make suggestions or make your ideas known.
  • Say “no” without feeling guilty.
  • Defend others.

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