Tokei Method: What Is It All About?

According to the Tokei method, the human being has multiple internal clocks that need to be synchronized to ensure better rest and greater productivity.
Tokei method: what is it all about?

The Tokei method was developed by Dr Eduard Estivill and Dr Carla Estivill. It consists of some methods and practices aimed at synchronizing human activities with natural biological rhythms, to obtain a deep and restorative sleep.

In fact, it is based on the idea that sleeping well is the basis of everything. In this sense, he argues that all other activities must be organized according to sleep and not the other way around. Everything revolves around biological clocks. The authors state that the human body has multiple internal clocks, the synchronization of which – which can be learned – is indispensable.

The Tokei method focuses on a series of instructions, principles and tips to sleep well and be more productive during the day. In fact, sleep and productivity are closely linked and affect not only our emotional and psychological well-being, but also our physical health. Let’s find out more.

Woman resting.

The Tokei method: internal time and chronotype

The internal time of people is determined by the circadian rhythm. It contains in itself, all the processes that take place in the 24 hours; such as eating, sleeping, temperature regulation, hormone production, etc.

Under normal conditions, our biological clock is programmed in such a way that we feel sleep between 10pm and midnight and wake up between 6am and 8am. In fact, this indicates the so-called “normal chronotype”. However, it was also found that it only affects 50% of people.

The remainder, in fact, follows other chronotypes, and consequently could sleep much sooner or much later. Each of us should know our chronotype and adjust or synchronize it as best we can. But there are also other aspects to consider and which we will address in the next lines.

The different types of weather

According to the Tokei method, the circadian rhythm determines biological time, however, as human beings, we also have to deal with social time and solar time. In fact, social time is what tends to create the most problems.

In fact, it is related to the needs of the environment, in terms of wakefulness and rest. An individual who works at night, for example, will have to adapt his chronotype to this need, although from a biological point of view it is not the best solution.

On the other hand, solar time is instead linked to the light / dark phases. The ideal would be to go to sleep when the sun has already set, and to be active when there is (solar) light. But, of course, that’s not always possible. And this is the moment in which what the Tokei method defines as “time destruction” occurs. It is a phenomenon that is harmful not only to physical performance, but to health in general.

The keys of the Tokei method

According to the Tokei method, there are some key actions that can better synchronize internal time, social time and solar time. To do this it is necessary to establish and follow certain habits, so that the brain and the organism work optimally. Among the decisive actions according to the Tokei method, we find:

  • Use a bright alarm clock ; that is a model that simulates sunlight, much more suitable than the use of the smartphone. In fact, these devices are not at all suitable as alarm clocks.
  • Exercise early in the morning. In fact, this is the right time to activate the body and mind. Don’t do physical activity in the evening.
  • Have a good breakfast, take it easy. The first meal of the day must also be a moment of calm, as well as being packed with nutrients. It is a way to prepare the body and mind for the challenges of the day.
  • Eat right. It is advisable to eat lunch between five and six hours after waking up and to consume moderate amounts of food.
  • Have dinner three hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light and you should also avoid going to bed with a full stomach.
  • Turn everything off. Two hours before going to bed, all devices with blue light screens should be turned off. Televisions, cell phones, computers, etc. In fact, for the body it is equivalent to daylight and therefore causes interference with normal rest.

Finally, according to the Tokei method, it is not recommended to take stimulating substances, such as coffee or tea, in the six hours preceding sleep. In addition, the bed must be comfortable, there must be little light and a lot of silence. In doing so, we will increase the chances of sleeping well, taking care of our well-being and being more productive during the day.

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