Think About It, Do You Want To Give Up Right Now?

Think about it, do you want to give up right now?

The dreaded day has come. You have fallen again, you have been wrong again. It seems that no matter how hard you try you will not be able to reach the top of that mountain you dream of every night. You know that everything takes commitment and dedication, but you are starting to think that maybe the time has come to give up. Maybe it’s not worth continuing to try so hard.

Yet, right at this point, you begin to remember all the steps on your path. All the efforts, the battles you have fought, the persistence. Everything you have learned. And here comes a smile on your face. You knew it was going to be tough, and even if you haven’t reached that peak yet, you understand that you have already earned a part of the way, a slice of your life.

You are no longer the same person who started that climb. You know your limits and you know everything you are capable of. You know that you have learned a lot, in every sense. Yes, you have suffered, but you have also been happy, courageous. You have risked and defeated many of your fears. And it is at that point that a question arises: do you want to give up right now?

Who ever said that starting over means failing?

Who said starting over means failing? Who said trying again was madness? Probably someone who has given up many times in their life. Someone who is more afraid of failing again than of taking courage in their hands and facing their fears. Someone who, in summary, is certainly not well suited to give you advice.

Starting over means resuming dreaming, building the life you are looking for. It means making a commitment to become the person you dream of being. Precisely for this reason we must continue to insist, as often as necessary or, at least, until your dreams change. Because only in this way, only if you do not give up, can you really feel satisfied with yourself and what you have done. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s better to resign yourself than keep fighting for what makes you happy.

If thinking about something makes you happy, even if you don’t have it yet, it will always be worth fighting for. Because at the end of the journey you will forget how tiring it was to get there. Our memory remembers the good times more easily than the bad ones, and getting what you dreamed of will make even the most difficult points of the path no longer seem huge boulders, but thin sand on which you can walk barefoot, remembering what you have lived.

To betray yourself is to fail, to try again is to struggle

Get out of your mind that making a mistake means failing or that throwing in the towel is necessarily a mistake. The only real failure is to betray your values, to prefer conformity to possibility, if that’s the possibility you want. But this does not mean that being cautious means failing: on the contrary, prudence can be the smartest option when you have exhausted all possibilities, or when the ones that remain are too high a price. Sometimes it is wiser to throw in the towel than to throw your life away.

“I don’t feel discouraged, because every wrong and rejected attempt is a step forward.”

-Thomas Edison-

Trying again with determination makes everything easier, because it allows you to be wiser. You have taken off a backpack full of doubts and in its place you have taken one full of experience and knowledge. The opinions of others, of those who push you to surrender, are not yours, and because of this they stop influencing you. Start living based on what you feel.

And at that point you will look back and say: “Well, it’s over, I’ve made it.” We know you will make it. Because you are strong people and when you fight for something, even if you doubt it now, you can do it. Believe it. And we know that it is no coincidence that if you are reading this article, you have opened it because you are one step away from that peak you dream of. So keep it up, you’re almost there. Trust yourself and your abilities!

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