The Power Of Change Is Within You

The power of change is within you

Sometimes the path of life we ​​are walking is not the most positive. We feel frustrated, disheartened, nothing is right and we don’t know how to make things change.

When we feel so lost, when depression or even greater problems are stifling us, seeing a psychologist is an option. But who gives us the guarantee that it will solve our problem?

“Nobody can put you in a psychological prison, you are already there.”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti-

Going to the psychologist becomes an escape, sometimes we even go there because we believe we are unable to find a solution for ourselves. But are you really sure?

Today you will find that you often go to a psychologist for mere convenience. In reality, the solution is within us. Find out! Get to know the psychologist who lies within you.


You know yourself better than anyone else

When we go to the psychologist, he will first try to get to know you. Unless he is an acquaintance of yours or someone from your own family, the psychologist knows absolutely nothing about you.

Regardless of how unpleasant it may be to have to tell everything about yourself to a stranger sitting in front of us, often this situation has therapeutic effects.

Talking about ourselves will make us reflect on our life and remember moments we thought we had forgotten.

All of this will be important in solving the problems we are facing at that moment. In spite of everything,  however, the psychologist will never come to have a knowledge of you equal to that you have of yourself.

In fact, you may have intentionally prevented that from happening. There are very few people who can say they know everything about us, and it is also easy for some information to escape us.

Feelings, thoughts, dreams … these are all things that we live alone and that cannot be shared with anyone. If you are having a bad time, you are the only one who knows how you will react and for what reasons.

“Only those who know each other are master of themselves”

-Pierre de Ronsard-

There are things we don’t want anyone to know. Perhaps the problem that afflicts us right now is linked to a feeling of guilt that embarrasses us, perhaps something that you would not feel like telling your psychologist. This aspect is very important for the success of the therapy.

Being totally honest is essential, but there is no greater sincerity than what we profess to ourselves.

Positivity, change and effort

Who said it would be easy? Anything worth fighting for has a price! Always think positive first.

We are facing a negative situation that is making our life difficult and complicated. Something unexpected, which is getting out of hand. What to do in the face of these situations?

Our life has changed, now we need to try to overcome and positively change the uncomfortable situation we are experiencing. For this it is essential to be fully aware of what is happening.

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The psychologist can help, but we have to believe in the problem and want to overcome it. Otherwise, the psychologist will not be able to do anything for us.

Let’s imagine this situation: a boy or a girl suffering from anorexia. This disorder often stems from deeper problems ; not eating does not imply that he or she sees themselves as fat, it is more a “self-harm” mechanism against something that hurts.

The person knows that he is thin, yet he tries to become even thinner. It is “destroying” itself, it is suffering from something more complicated.

This person can go to the psychologist, indeed he may even ask for help of his own free will. She knows she has a problem and is willing to overcome it. But can the whole problem be left in the hands of the psychologist? No.

It is the person himself who will have to get out of the problem. The psychologist can guide you, he is a figure who advises and allows you to open your eyes and choose the best path.

Only the person affected by the problem will have to bring out the necessary strength to get out of it. It is the one and only one who can take the initiative for change.

“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed like a hopeless failure can turn into a glorious success”

-Elbert Hubbard-

As you have seen, you yourself can become your best psychologist. They can guide us, open our eyes, help us… But they cannot work miracles . The force of change, the effort, falls only on you.

However, it is important to keep in mind that if we are overwhelmed and disoriented, asking for help from a psychologist is essential.

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