The Little Girl Who Discovered Her Inner Light

The little girl who discovered her inner light

This story tells of a little girl who discovered her inner light by seeing a star shine. I confess that the child is me and the story is inspired by what my mother told me, with patience and love, as often as necessary. I will always be grateful to you for teaching me to have the courage to follow my star and appreciate my inner light.

The little girl who discovered her inner light

Once upon a time there was a little girl with big blue eyes and dark hair who loved to play with her friends. His favorite game was hide and seek, in most cases he sought. When she had to hide, she chose a nearby hiding place, because she got tired when she had to run long distances.

But she didn’t mind “losing”. Her friends usually looked for very original hiding places: in the trees, behind parked cars, some even swapped jackets trying to deceive others… all these little things made her laugh and enjoy the game.

Until one day a new girl arrived who kept teasing her because she was losing, even inviting her to look for a faraway hiding place. The little girl began to feel sad, but continued to play anyway.

Eventually, given the constant insistence of the newcomer, she agreed to hide in the park, far from the place to save herself. That time he didn’t lose, but he got so exhausted that he had to stop playing and go home.

As she walked home, she grew sadder and sadder and began to cry. When she crossed the threshold of the house, much earlier than usual, her mother went up to her and asked: – Why are you crying, my child? –  The girl explained to her mother what had happened with the newcomer and the game. She couldn’t stop crying and repeating that she was different from other children and that she felt alone.

Little girl with sad eyes

The brightest star

Her mother took her hand and, without saying anything, took her to the balcony of their little house. A star shone in front of them, it was the brightest star in the whole sky. But she seemed to be alone, there were no other stars around her. The mother took a white handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her daughter’s tears. He grasped the child’s chin firmly and delicately, lifting her head, pointing at that star at the same time.

-Do you see that star? The mother asked her daughter with a smile.

-Yes, she is very beautiful and shines a lot .- The girl replied with great curiosity.

-That star is you. – Said the mother with conviction.

-But mom, is that star very lonely? –

-She is not alone, she just shines with so much power that it is not possible to see the other stars. But even if we can’t see them, they are there.

-Do I really have that much light? – Asked the little girl wiping the tears that still flowed from her eyes and starting to smile.

-You have so much that some people get scared. But others will love you because of your light. Never stop being yourself, my daughter. You are worth a lot.

-Thanks Mom. I love you .- The little girl gave her mother a kiss and hugged her tightly.

Remember the light

From that day on, whenever she was sad, her mother accompanied her to the balcony so that she could see the star and remember its light. Gradually, the little girl grew up. And she began to go to the balcony alone to look for her star.

Over time it was enough for her to look at the sky, wherever she was, to always find the star that reminded her of its light. That little girl today is a woman, and thanks to this story she will never forget that her star continues to shine in the sky to guide her along her path.

Stories give us useful lessons that we can easily remember to face adversity and enjoy more of what fate offers us or that we conquer with our own strength. This story reminds us that it is necessary to experience a moment of darkness to see the light.

Little girl sitting on the grass looking at the sky and discovering her star

The stars have always guided men when they feel lost, drawing maps in the sky. Their sparkle reminds us how small and insignificant we are, but at the same time also our greatness. Seeing the stars that shine more and more as darkness falls makes us understand that human beings can shine with their own light.

In this story the little girl, with the help of her mother, sees her inner light reflected in the external brightness of a star and realizes that  the opinions of others must not interfere with our way of being and enjoying life.

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