The Bouncing Lamb: The Short Film That Teaches Children To Never Give Up

The rebound lamb: the short film that teaches children to never give up

The rebound lamb is a short film that you must see with your children. Growing up also means overcoming difficulties and coming out stronger at every step, at every leap, and although children can always count on our support, we must also allow them to experience that freedom thanks to which they will learn to be courageous, architects of their own path. .

Boundin ‘ (in English to jump, bounce) is one of the best productions of the Pixar film house and, even if it has been around for 13 years, the message it wants to communicate is fundamental for any generation, even for us “adults”, because nothing it’s like being a child again to learn great things.

Another concept worth thinking about is being aware of how difficult it can be to be a child. Childhood is not always synonymous with happiness, growing up implies, at times, having to face not only one’s own changes, but also complex contexts in which children must learn to develop “survival” and adaptation strategies.

It is for this reason that it is important to encourage them so that they never, ever give up, so that their heart vibrates, their mind dreams and their legs take them wherever they want to go …

lamb bounce

The rebound lamb: a short film in which the cycles trace the rhythm

The protagonist of this masterpiece is a plump and lively lamb. His best skill is the gift of dance, which helps him to transmit vitality and joy and, with his dances, he is able to infect all creatures of the sunny prairie. Everything goes perfectly until, at a certain point, someone takes him away and returns him naked, without his mantle, without his wool.

It is then that sadness takes hold of our protagonist and the rains, the dark night and the bad weather arrive. We know well that the shearing of the sheep follows a cycle, that that white coat will grow again , yet the lamb experiences its own shame with desperation, which prompts it to hide and flee from all those who make fun of it for its physical aspect. The dances are over .

  • Our little lamb, unaware of the fact that it is a temporary change, lets himself be defeated by his own appearance and considers a momentary episode a tragedy that will last forever.
  • Sometimes we too tend to make certain events chronic: a disappointment can make us suspicious forever, a rejection can destroy our self-esteem, and a single mistake can make us lose our ability to triumph forever.
  • The case of children is even more delicate. Nobody explained to them that life is made up of cycles, that sometimes we fall, that sometimes we lose, that the teasing of others never defines who we really are …
shorn lamb

We have to touch the sky, we have to jump higher and higher

We must aim high. If we lock ourselves in the prison of our own fears, in the company of our insecurities, and also allow the teasing of others to chain us, we will never be able to jump and fall into the abyss of vulnerability. It’s not worth it, because the moment we lose confidence in ourselves, we lose everything.

Perhaps, for us adults, this idea is very clear, but how can we make children understand concepts such as self-improvement or resilience?

  • Any experience experienced in childhood in a negative way can leave a lasting trace in a child’s brain. It is obvious that, as parents, it is impossible for us to protect them at all times and that is why it is important to help them develop their self-confidence and knowledge as soon as possible.
  • We need to act as role models to foster the emotional development of our children. We must convey to them the idea that nothing and no one can put chains on their feet, preventing them from jumping and touching the sky.
  • Growing up means living moments made of complex changes, in which you must never stop being yourself: a person who deserves to be happy, a person who learns from difficulties to resume walking more confidently.

The wisdom of the “lepronte”

If there is a truly exceptional character in this short film, it is certainly the lepronte, an imposing, wise and affable creature, which shows our lamb two truths to reflect on:

  • The cycle of life is full of unexpected events, of changes that demoralize us and of opportunities that force us to jump. Our will is the only thing that allows us to survive in every phase and, in our mind, we find the key to all the doors that are slammed in our face by adversity.
  • The changes also push us to adopt new strategies, to emerge stronger and regenerated. At the beginning of the short film, the lamb is an excellent dancer, but after the first shearing, he decides to exchange his dance with jumps: now he aims to reach higher, now he is able to touch the sky …

We therefore leave you to this splendid short film, hoping that you can enjoy it with your children and inviting you to share it.

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