Sleeping With Your Pet To Feel Good

Sleeping with our dog or cat offers benefits. We will feel more relaxed, we will enjoy their affection, their closeness and their protection. Few habits change our lives like giving a corner of the bedroom to our puppy.
Sleeping with your pet to feel good

There are many people who have the habit of sleeping with their pet. An Australian proverb says: “on cold nights, it is better to sleep with three dogs”.

In the eyes of some people, letting your pet get on the bed to sleep together comes naturally. But is it advisable to sleep with our puppy?

The medical community has its doubts about this. In addition to this, sleep hygiene specialists immediately ask if you share a bed with an animal in case of insomnia.

Dogs often turn around to find the perfect angle to sleep on. On the other hand, cats are nocturnal animals, so they are often more active when we are sleeping.

Yet, not only our four-legged friends can interrupt our sleep. Even the partner can interfere, from time to time, with our night’s rest. Animals and humans snore, have nightmares, and can get thirsty at night.

Any coexistence has its pros and cons, so sleeping with your pet also offers a number of advantages.

Cat sleeping on the bed.

Sleeping with your pet, a very common habit

Sleeping with your pet is still a controversial topic. There are those who see this habit as a dangerous, unhygienic and far from advisable practice.

Other people, on the other hand, don’t see what the problem is. Many spent their childhood sharing their bed with a puppy ; that’s why often even as adults and even living with a partner, they continue to have pets in the house.

On the other hand, the study conducted at the University of Queensland, Australia, by Dr Bradley Smith, tells us that almost half of the people who have a puppy sleep in their company. The reasons why they do this are as follows:

  • We are fond of our puppy and we like to have him around.
  • It gives us a feeling of safety and security.
  • Having your pet around makes you feel less alone.
  • Some people relax when they have their dog or cat by their side. The breathing of the former and the purr of the latter infuse peace and serenity.

What does science say about it? Is it good to sleep with your pet?

In 2018, an interesting study was conducted that had some echo. Canisius College, Buffalo, USA, followed up on 962 women to investigate the link between sleep quality and bed sharing with a pet.

  • Sleeping with an animal increases the chances of sleep interruption. 
  • The level of satisfaction and emotional connection with the puppy generates well-being.
  • An interesting aspect has been demonstrated. When we sleep with our kittens, we should keep one detail in mind: on average, cats cause more interruptions than dogs. Felines are usually more active during the night and they often get on and off the bed or claim our attention.
  • On the other hand, sleeping with a dog has been shown to be more relaxing. But that is not all. The study shows that dog owners have less time to rest because they have to get up earlier in the morning.
Sleeping with our puppy.

Why do our pets like to sleep with us?

We often make a mistake with our pets without noticing it. We tell ourselves that we have adopted them, that they are ours.

We put the collar, the microchip, give them a home and make room in our heart. However, it is we who belong to them and they adopt us.

  • Dogs love to sleep with us because we are part of their pack, which must be protected. Many of them are territorial and may not take kindly to the fact that other animals (or other humans) get on the bed.
  • On the other hand, there are cats, who love a comfortable bed. Sleeping in the warmth, under a duvet, is a pleasure for them. Furthermore, the bed is a high surface from which to have a better view of the “territory”.
  • Many dogs and cats love to sleep with us out of affection, closeness and because we are their family.

Aspects to consider when choosing to sleep with your pet

Children, adults, the elderly … Many like to sleep with their pets, but obviously we have to keep in mind some considerations in terms of hygiene and quality of rest. These are the points to consider:

  • The animal must regularly undergo a veterinary examination (vaccines, pesticides, visits to exclude that they suffer from diseases, etc.).
  • The hygiene of our puppies is an important aspect.
  • We must pay particular attention to children and the elderly. In the case of children, it will be important to assess their age and maturity when it comes to giving permission to sleep with an animal. In the case of older people, it is not recommended if they suffer from motor problems, dementia, etc.
  • And if we suffer from a disease or simple insomnia, then it is better to consider whether to let our puppy sleep with us or not.
Dog sleeping on the bed.

All lovers of these extraordinary life companions will have wondered, at least once in their life, whether or not it is appropriate to offer them a space in our bed.

Doing it or not is a personal choice on which each of us can decide freely. In any case, the important thing is to take care of their well-being and their own. If the night by their side is more pleasant, there are no other objections.

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