Quotes About Anger To Reflect

Quotes about anger to reflect

It is always important to keep some quotes about anger in mind so as not to forget the damage this emotion can cause. We are not saying that you should not get angry, because it is impossible. But getting carried away by impulsive anger is not good.

Almost all quotes about anger invite us not to suffocate it, but at the same time to prevent this emotional state from controlling us and taking possession of us. The consequences could be very serious.

Our initial aggressive impulses work their way into the presence of direct threat or frustration. It is the education we receive that leads us to moderate these reactions to transform them into channeled responses. However, at any age, it is possible to learn how to manage anger. Here are some quotes about anger that can be helpful in this regard.

Quotes about anger that make you think

We have repeated this on several occasions: when you are angry, do not speak, do nothing. It is well known. Seneca said The best remedy for anger is delay : there is no better way to avoid anger than to wait before reacting.

Woman with burning dress

Thomas Jefferson formulated a similar concept: “

when you are angry, count to ten. When you are very angry, count to one hundred

“, A great piece of advice that works most of the time.

Anger hurts us

One of the most disconcerting aspects of anger is that it prompts us to harm others, but we actually hurt ourselves. Florence Scovel Shinn reminds us that anger alters sight, poisons the blood: it causes illness and disastrous decisions .

Mark Twain also said something similar: “

rage is an acid that can cause more damage to the vessel that contains it than to anything else it is poured on

“. Anger burns those who feel it, it damages their thoughts and emotions. Discharging it on others may mean hurting them, but in reality we do evil to ourselves.

Anger limits us

Laurent Gounelle wrote a simple thought about anger: “anger makes you deaf, despair blind”. A very wise sentence. When we are angry, our brains stop processing information. We become deaf to the voice of reason.

Girl screams angry

The Dalai Lama explains that success and failure depend on wisdom and intelligence, which cannot function adequately under the influence of anger .

This statement could not be more truthful. When we are affected by anger, we limit our ability to be assertive and righteous. We forget what we know and we don’t think anymore. In these conditions it is impossible to obtain good results, quite the opposite. It is as if we are trying to get rid of anger by drowning in it.

Anger arises from weakness and a sense of inferiority

The Dalai Lama is one of the thinkers who has been most opposed to emotions such as anger. Another of his quotes on anger reads “anger arises from fear and fear from a feeling of weakness or inferiority. If you have courage and determination, you will be less and less afraid, so you will feel less frustrated and less angry ”.

This phrase contains great wisdom, it shows us that the antecedent of anger is fear. In other words, it is precisely when a person feels in danger that anger appears. The risk, the danger can be subjective or objective. In any case, it generates a feeling of inferiority and the inability to face a threat.

Man with a volcano on his face

If there’s an emotion worth working on, it’s definitely anger. The goal is to keep her from taking control, from pushing us to say or do something impulsive. The consequences can generally be very dangerous. If we adopt the habit of reacting aggressively, over time even hatred will take hold of us. And a life full of hate is a lonely and bitter life.

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