Psychology Of Savings And Smart Purchases

As consumers, we know that online shopping opens up new opportunities. They allow us to find more products and services, but also save money if we know a few tricks about this expanding digital world.
Psychology of savings and smart purchases

Our shopping experience is changing. Not only are we becoming more demanding consumers, but we are increasingly calling on the digital universe to purchase products and services. For its part, the psychology of savings perceives this reality as an interesting and decisive phenomenon for our future.

So, could it be said that our behavior changes when such a wide range of options suddenly presents itself to our eyes?

We know that the world of “smart shopping” tries to make our life easier through cutting-edge digital tools, but how does all this translate into our life? Do we spend more? Or does it feed the consumer savings trend?

New times, new demands: the consumer of the 21st century

The consumer of the 21st century contains several profiles. On the one hand, there are those who have always made their purchases in a physical store and are used to paying for what they can see and touch.

However, in recent years, another type of consumer is spreading exponentially. These are customers who are accustomed not only to buying online, but also to looking for offers and promotions similar to those promoted on platforms such as Groupon.

In this vast digital landscape, we are presented with a wider range of options when choosing the product we wish to purchase. The 21st century buyer is demanding and tries to buy at very low cost. Companies know this and new savings strategies are born every day to satisfy the modern customer.

Likewise, one aspect that has been emerging in recent years is that when we shop on the internet, nearly 40% of users are looking for savings opportunities.

The psychology of savings and digital purchases

An aspect on which the psychology of savings sheds light is the following: the behavior of a consumer does not depend exclusively on his income.

That is, our purchases cannot be predicted on the basis of our earnings. There are people with scarce economic resources who spend beyond their means and vice versa.

Behind the buying behavior are primarily psychological factors. Thus, the study conducted by Dr. George Katona – one of the main reference points in this field – reminds us that our attitude, our emotions and our expectations are key points when it comes to buying.

Following the revolution marked by new technologies, we too have changed. We are demanding and we want to maximize savings, but how can we do it?

Coupons , smart shopping and dedicated pages

Every October 31st, since 1924, World Savings Day is celebrated. From that date, up to the present day, we have begun to understand much better what the consumer is looking for and what are the useful mechanisms for saving.

We know that buying on the internet is an advantage from many points of view. It saves us time, is convenient, easy and puts at our disposal, in a couple of clicks, a wide variety of products.

But does this buying strategy allow us to save money and take care of our personal and family finances? The answer is yes, but we need to know a few tricks. Here they are below.

  • Coupons and discounts. From the psychology of savings we are told that the best strategy to avoid falling into the trap of excessive spending is to buy with intelligence. This means not buying out of pure desire, but out of necessity. It also means being selective and taking into account the strategies specifically designed to promote savings: coupons, discounts and promotional products can save us from 20 to 70% on the original price.
  • Smart shopping and personalization. In recent years, smart shopping campaigns have been launched continuously and – what is no less important – they are being refined more and more. Companies create strategies that aim to offer us products that fit our needs at a far lower cost. These are personalized campaigns, which refine the user experience in terms of choice, purchase and savings.

In the end…

  • Pages dedicated to savings. In the context of the psychology of savings, a very specific type of profile has already been identified: the user looking for offers. This is the type of person who searches the internet on a regular basis, hoping to come across the best offer for a product or service.

Well, you should know that there are pages specially designed for this purpose. These are spaces that already have a wide range of discount coupons, offers, promotions, sending free samples, etc. Thousands of proposals in unique spaces that deserve to be discovered in order to save.

Green button for online shopping.

Concluding reflections on the psychology of savings

In conclusion, we know that times have changed and it is clear that the world of digital shopping will continue to face major revolutions in the coming years.

Beyond the new tools offered, there is one aspect that will never change for the consumer: we will continue to demand tools that are reliable, safe, accessible and, above all, that allow us to take care of our finances. Companies know this and will not hesitate to devise further interesting strategies to promote savings.

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