Openness To Experience: A Special Trait

Do you know curious and creative people who always have a contribution to offer and the desire to learn? They have a personality with a marked openness to experiences. What is it about?
Openness to experience: a special trait

The study of personalities has always aroused great interest in science and, at the same time, everyone’s curiosity. We tend to place ourselves within categories based on different attitudes and traits. This is how one of the main classifications of personality was born, the one that takes as a point of reference the trait we are talking about today: openness to experience.

We could say that it is the hallmark of people who are curious, open and greedy for emotions, of those who are hungry for knowledge, with many interests, who always have contributions to offer and the desire to learn. Would you like to know more?

Girl with magnifying glass and openness to experience.

Openness to experience, one of the Big Five

The Big Five model is one of the main classifications used to understand different personalities. It was born following a research conducted by Goldberg and is composed of the following traits:

  • Openness to experience.
  • Responsibility.
  • Friendliness.
  • Extroversion.
  • Neurosis.

Today we will dedicate ourselves to the first trait, one of the least known but capable of significantly shaping the personality and conferring various advantages to those who have it.

What does it consist of?

People with a high openness to experience are flexible, fluid and creative. I am always looking for new stimuli, new knowledge and emotions. They gladly accept change and open up to different ways of thinking and proceeding.

Conversely, those who score low in this trait are more closed and less tolerant. It is anchored in tradition and routine and has a more conventional thinking. Typically, this feature encompasses several aspects.

How does openness to experience manifest itself?

  • Fantasy. People who score high in this dimension are creative, imaginative, and with a rich inner world. They also possess divergent thinking: they are capable of associating two ideas without apparent connection, always finding new ways to proceed. Their creativity is not limited to the artistic level. Great scientists and professionals in every sector with an innovative vision show a strong openness to experience.
  • Intelligence and culture. They show great intellectual curiosity; they tend to get involved in the analysis of ideas and in the search for answers. They are, therefore, constantly looking for knowledge and are open to different points of view. They have numerous and varied interests. In short, they love to learn.
  • Taste for beauty. The love for art, music and beauty is characteristic of this personality. The one who possesses it appears to be endowed with full awareness and capable of entering a state of flow. They are people more predisposed to immerse themselves in the present moment and to let themselves be absorbed by the activities they are carrying out.
  • Feelings. They show themselves more connected to their inner self and have a high capacity for introspection. Therefore, they are not afraid to get in touch with their emotions and allow themselves to live them in their entirety.
  • Values. They are more open to different points of view and prone to question dogmas or values, even their own. Therefore, they do not submit to authorities of any kind in an uncritical way.
  • Action. Of course they are more open to trying new experiences and activities. They are willing to try different flavors and cultures, to get out of their comfort zone. Ultimately, they seek stimulation and accept change.
Abstract painting with pink smoke.

Exceptional personalities

Do you know someone with this personality trait or do you recognize yourself in these definitions? Openness to experience is the hallmark of visionaries, innovative and open people, bearers of change. It includes the ability to analyze, reflect, question ideas before accepting them. It is the special personalities that give impetus to curiosity, knowledge and progress.

These people rely more easily on positive affects and are therefore more satisfied with their lives. In short, they are the demonstration that it is useful to open up, awaken one’s curiosity and face the fear of change.

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