No One Can Heal Himself By Hurting Others

No one can heal himself by hurting others

No injured person can heal himself by projecting his pain onto others, least of all the people he loves. However, it is possible that we have found ourselves in this situation, even though we did not want to or did not realize it.

Feeling bad with oneself is very sad, but it is even more sad to discover that, for a defense mechanism, we are protecting ourselves by means of a perverse strategy: that of introducing tension in relationships with others. We project the frustration and pain we have inside onto them because we know that whatever we do, they will forgive us.

Think about it: Don’t you regret pushing someone out of your life because of an emotional block you couldn’t solve? Have you ever been hurt so deeply that you shut yourself up completely, even with people who probably deserved a chance?

The heart is one of the most important organs and, if we consider it the representation of our emotional center, it is also the spiritual companion that we must take care of the most. For this reason, it is not good that it closes, because if it does, we will not only get cold, but we will spread it. We need to understand that if we suffer and if we don’t allow our inner healing process to unfold, we will hurt those around us.

The healing process takes place within us

When we explode, we do not do it because of something that happened outside of us, but because of the wound of an internal injury. Imagine yourself falling: you get a wound and leave it like that, you don’t disinfect it or cover it; What happen?

little girl from whose hair birds fly

First of all it can get infected, which is very difficult to fix later. Secondly, it can happen that someone passes by us and touches us without wanting to; in that case, we would get hurt and react negatively towards him. However, the problem is not the person who touches us, but the wound that has not been healed at the right time.

The heart needs to accept the situation that troubles it and most of the healing process lies in understanding the solutions that allow you to overcome the obstacle: stopping and reflecting on the situation you want to forget is an individual act that requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. If we do not put in good will, the situation may seem out of date, but in reality it will remain there and will not allow us to move forward.

Nobody wants to see us like this, why do we take it out on others?

In addition to ourselves, we often take out our personal suffering on others. In theory, it would be great if everyone kept in mind that if the people who are with us love us and are happy when they see us feeling good, it is not fair to repay them with a bad mood, nor try to blame them for everything that we do not have. pleases.

In the work “The Little Prince”, there is a very clear premise that permeates the whole book: even if the primary reaction of every animal, including humans, is to build a fort to defend themselves after being injured by others, not all people want to hurt us and not everyone is to blame for the things that happen to us.

illustration girl covered with well

By avoiding establishing new relationships or blocking intimate access to the people around us by means of barriers, we will not be able to heal ourselves and we will not be able to avoid repeating what has offended us in the past. It is also useless to oppose receiving help from others if they do it from the heart, as well as to hide the problem to convince oneself that it no longer exists. And you, are you behaving like this?

Take care of yourself, you deserve it!

If the answer to the question we have just asked you is affirmative or undecided, you must prepare to take care of yourself: only by taking care of yourself , giving yourself another chance, listening to, appreciating and loving yourself, will you achieve a happy life in harmony with others.

You deserve to learn to say “no” when necessary. It is necessary to teach the heart to be wrong, to touch the bottom and come back to the surface, because this is the emotional balance, it is balancing the good and the bad of the experiences you live. Try to reinterpret the title of today’s article in this way: if you take care of others, you will take care of yourself; it is very important that you never stop giving yourself attention.

little girl drawing a heart on the ground

Hurting because someone has hurt you is bad behavior and does not solve anything. Remember that a heart that does not know how to manage its pain and that, instead of healing itself, attacks, ends up hurting even more.

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