Masturdating: Technique To Conquer Oneself

Masturdating: technique to conquer oneself

It may have happened to you too that you want to go to the cinema or restaurant alone to eat your favorite dish. Nowadays these attitudes fall under the definition of masturdating ,  an opportunity to connect with one’s inner world. This term refers to all those people who carry out different activities on their own.

The masturdating offers numerous benefits. First, it is a way to know yourself. It means making simple, non-demanding programs, like going to the cinema, without needing a company.

Research shows that many people are not comfortable doing certain things on their own, especially when observed. Yet, according to some recent studies, it seems that people who occasionally spend time alone have at least as much fun as a couple or a group.

Girl walks in the countryside

Masturdating: the technique to conquer oneself

In a world based on a binary system, solitary figures represent an antisocial model. For this reason, phenomena such as masturdating arouse interest. Of course, it is a good way to strengthen and deepen the relationship with yourself. If you also want to practice  masturdating , we give you some suggestions:

  • Take a hike, a day trip to a place you’ve always wanted to visit.
  • Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Buy a ticket to go to a concert, a play or a movie at the cinema.
  • Sign up for a dance class.
  • Book a photo shoot.
  • Read a book in the park.
  • Go to your favorite restaurant and order the dish you like best.
  • Watch a movie that nobody wants to see with you.

Why practice masturdating?

If you are single or even engaged, know that there are several reasons to embrace the philosophy of masturdating . Here are some of them:

1. Find out who you really are

By taking the time to get to know yourself, you recognize yourself as an individual and not as a being that others have labeled over time.

This discovery is good for your self-esteem. It will therefore be easier for you to reformulate your inner dialogue with phrases such as: “I am worth” and “I will be happy”. These positive judgments help develop a positive mindset.

2. Create your own happiness

Self-satisfaction is one of the most rewarding feelings we can experience. Keep in mind that by doing some activities on your own you take full responsibility for your own happiness. Make sure you smile before focusing on the happiness of others.

Happy woman on bicycle

3. Develop a healthy relationship with yourself

With masturdating you  will develop a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, so you will get used to treating yourself with respect and kindness. A healthy relationship allows you to connect with yourself, without hurting yourself, without punishing or reproaching yourself.

This technique focuses on anything that you have set aside over time, such as health, hobbies or passions.

4. Build a solid foundation for interpersonal relationships

If you do n’t accept being single, you need to remember that this condition will help your future relationships.

Your experience with loneliness and pain will make you stronger people. If you embark on your journey in solitude as a positive path, you will attract the attention of optimistic people, which you certainly deserve.

The masturdating  is a technique that will serve to win you over, and you will greatly benefit. We invite you to develop individual programs from time to time, they will help you connect with your inner world and get to know yourself better.

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