IQ: Habits That Reduce It

IQ: habits that reduce it

Some habits reduce the IQ and, often, we do them every day. These are habits that seem harmless or that, on the surface, do not seem related to the intellectual system. Yet science has proven that they have a decisive impact on brain functioning.

The habits that reduce our  IQ have to do with the diet and lifestyle we lead. Studies in this regard have shed light on how certain actions, if carried out systematically, affect cognitive abilities.

Recall that the IQ is a “measure of intelligence” obtained through the use of psychometric tests. Even if not everyone agrees with this metric or with the implications that derive from it, it is evident that those who have certain habits reduce their intellectual efficiency. Let’s see what are the habits that can reduce our IQ.

Habits that reduce the IQ

Consumption of saturated fat

Saturated fats are the great protagonists of many of the foods available to us. We find them in dairy products, fatty meats and sausages. Science has found that  these foods affect the cardiovascular system. The levels of “bad cholesterol” increase, compromising the correct functioning of the circulatory system.

The consequence is that blood flow is reduced, which results in  less oxygen to the brain. In this way a good part of the intellectual processes is compromised, the mood worsens and negative emotions, such as sadness, are enhanced.

Woman eating hamburger


A major study by neuroscientist Earl Miller was conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The survey focused on work performance in moments of “divided attention”, that is, in situations of multitasking. The conclusions of the study were quite clear.

The brain is not designed to perform multiple tasks at the same time. People have the illusion of doing multiple things at the same time, but in reality, from a cognitive point of view, the process is still sequential. Furthermore, this attitude is also expensive in terms of intellectual functioning.

Watching too much television

Television is a very popular means of entertainment. Undoubtedly one of the cheapest forms of distraction and within everyone’s reach. Watching television is an activity that generates a feeling of rest, given the scarce use of both physical and mental energy that it entails.

Still, the price you pay can be very high. Watching too much television is a habit that can reduce the IQ. Not only for the passivity to which it forces us, but also because it “puts the brain to sleep”.

Television reduces the IQ

Don’t rest right

Quality sleep is one of the most important habits for mental well-being. A good sleep ensures that the rest time is optimized and allows you to recover all your energy in the best possible way.

Studies reveal that those who do not get enough sleep or sleep in the right way tend to get tired earlier in carrying out an activity, to make more mistakes, to be more emotionally unstable and to get irritated or angry more easily.

Some evidence also shows that sleeping well leads to more learning, leading to less effort maintaining attention and increasing levels of willpower.

Consuming too much sugar

Sugar, when taken in large quantities, is another factor that can affect the proper functioning of the brain. A UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) study showed that  high sugar consumption for six weeks impairs learning and memorization. It is no coincidence that dementia has a higher incidence among people with diabetes.

The same study also found that fruit with too much fructose can generate the same effect. However, it should be noted that sugar is not bad in itself, but only when consumed in excess.

Glass full of sugar cubes

All these habits are capable of reducing the IQ. The smartest thing to do is to keep them at minimum levels, that is not to make them become habits, but sporadic actions. It is not a question of leading a Spartan lifestyle, but rather of taking care of yourself to live a healthier and fuller life.

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