I Like The Smell Of Hope Typical Of Good People

I like the smell of hope that is typical of good people

There are days when we decide to wear the smiles that others have given us. It is almost inevitable that the hope they radiate will make us feel good, because happiness quickly spreads through each of our senses, especially when it comes from wonderful people.

This happens because some people have the ability to make us feel good, to brand on our skin the power of positive harmony, hope and optimism.

For this reason, these people smell so intensely and stimulate us towards life, because they show us that we can do it in every area  and that we do not have to push the brake, but only to smile and wink at life.

Kiss on the forehead

The taste of happy people, which gives hope

Good people smell of closeness, hugs, and deserved affection. This is why we usually open ourselves more to them, because we feel close to them and because they make us feel at home.

This ability to comfort and motivate us every day is what seduces us and makes us involved in common well-being, the magic of smiles, nice words and good intentions.

It must not seem strange that we like to surround ourselves with people of this type, since they are the ones who bring the most into our life, able to add and add, almost without subtracting anything. The moments we spend next to them are as ephemeral as they are genuine, as time flies as we collect reasons why we will always return to their hugs, their sincere looks and their smiles.

Emotions that are contagious

We transmit and capture our moods in a surprising way. Our state of mind is capable of changing from 0 to 100 in a second, in a very subtle way, with greater or lesser intensity and in a conscious and unconscious way.

There are people capable of changing our mood with a ” good morning” accompanied by a smile. In fact, it has been shown that when we relate to someone, we perceive their emotional state to the point that even our muscles tend to assume the position of our companion.

happy woman flying surrounded by sparrows


if the other person smiles all the time, they will entice us to do the same

. This presupposes not only a simple gestural imitation, but also generates a great emotional approach, which will occur to a lesser or greater degree according to our sensitivity.

Researcher  John Cacioppo  also states that, regardless of whether or not we understand the mimicry of others, we will unconsciously evoke their emotions, causing sentimental and emotional synchronization to occur.

In this sense,  there are people who transmit positive emotions to us in a very strong way, therefore the bond we establish with them is so healthy that the union will result in a great commitment and, probably, in other behaviors based on loyalty and affection. .

Therefore, the people  we perceive with greater fortitude and emotional determination will be the ones that we will like the most and that will make us feel better, since they are able to positively shape our mood.


The fact that we are invisibly connected in such an energetic way to something surprises us and amazes us tremendously. In this regard, science is getting more and more answers and, nowadays, we can speak of mirror neurons as the basis of this form of communication.

This is why we like happy, sincere and well-meaning people so much, because they infect us with good humor, motivation and joy, making us feel next to them capable of overcoming any situation that life throws in front of us.

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