Hugging Is Breathing The Essence Of People

Hugging is breathing the essence of people

“If I had known that this was the last time I saw you go out the door, I would have given you a hug, a kiss and I would have chased you to give you more.”

(Gabriel García Márquez)

Hugging is a simple and daily gesture, but many times we forget its ability to bring people together.  

Words are important, it is clear, but the saying that “a gesture is worth a thousand words” is true. Sometimes, talking about problems is the best way to solve them,  but accompanying our words with gestures or just a silent hug is sometimes the best remedy.

We already know that a hug:

  • It decreases the secretion of cortisol  (hormone produced by the body in times of stress).
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • Improve communication  between two people.
  • Increase self-esteem.
  • It makes us experience safety and protection  thanks to the secretion of oxytocin (whose main function is to ensure that the individual is well and is affectionate).
  • Activates  skin receptors.   

Can a hug, like vitamins, keep us away from doctors?  

According to a study by the University of Carnegie Mellon, this idea is not so unreal. A group of specialists from this university decided to study hugs as an example of social support, because hugs are the expression of a more intimate or close relationship with another person.  

“We know that people who fight with others have less ability to fight cold viruses. We also know that people who claim to have social support are partially protected from the effects of stress in their psychological states, such as depression and anxiety. “

hug in the rain

Scholars add that …

People with more social relationships and who often receive hugs are better protected against colds or have symptoms of less serious illnesses. Hugs are responsible for a third of the protective effect of social support.

“This suggests that being hugged by someone you trust can act as an effective means of conveying support, as well as an effective means of reducing the harmful effects of stress.”  

Either way, there’s no need to add much or more data to confirm that hugs are one of the best natural remedies.  

Free Hugs” began as a controversial life story of Juan Mann: a man whose only mission was to arrive and hug a stranger, to brighten his day. The effects of the campaign have gone viral and the phenomenon has spread ”.

“What motivated me was to observe that we live in an age of social disconnection and lack of human physical contact.”  

Now think about yourself, about your surroundings, about the people you hang out with, about your hugs. Think of the moments when a hug would have calmed a tense situation, or just the ones you like. Accompanying a good morning, a happy situation, a birthday or something to celebrate with a hug or hugging someone after an argument means  connecting with the most important part of ourselves.

Think about the last time you hugged someone like that, unconditionally. Free from everyday life and compromises. As soon as you finish reading this article, you could approach the person close to you and hug them for a long time, stopping time. That lasts, at least, 8 seconds. Loud and clear.

As Jackselins Arteaga said “A hug is something great. It’s a perfect way to show the love we feel when we don’t find the right words ”.

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