How Do You Make The Right Decision?

How do you make the right decision?

Every minute of our life is defined by the decisions we make consciously or not. They can change our career, our relationships or our whole life. Even when we don’t choose, we are making a decision. Unfortunately there is no manual to refer to in order to find the correct answer, so… how do you make the right decision?

Learn to make decisions

Making good decisions is one of the most important and most difficult learning experiences for anyone. This is due to the fact that any situation in which a choice must be made can have enormous consequences on our future, even when we have forgotten about it or now consider it an unimportant detail. For this reason, it is essential to adopt a methodology that allows us to choose quickly and effectively.


The future is determined by small decisions

We usually think that our life is determined by the big decisions we make. For example, we think that if we marry the love of our life, it will make us happy. Despite this, this person could turn out to be an abusive partner and we didn’t even realize it. Everything works fine until, one day, he feels the need to prove to us that he is superior to us. This is a moment that can define the rest of our relationship and our life as a couple. We can choose to ignore it and continue a relationship in which violence reigns or explain to the other that we do not intend to accept that type of behavior.

As you can see, you need to put your feelings and prejudices aside, and then make a decision to figure out how to move forward. When we begin to put aside what prevents us from making a decision, we are freer to choose.

Step-by-step guide to making a decision


Every day we make decisions for which there is no need for a methodology, for example, when we shop at the supermarket. However, for more complex decisions, you can follow these tips:

  • Think about it

    on the decision you need to make.

  • Find the two most important options you could take

    . Usually, this is a yes or a no, and then you can find different possibilities in each of the two.

  • Look at the advantages and disadvantages of both options

    . What will happen if you choose? What if you don’t? Always remember not to be led by fears or boundless hopes. Be realistic.

  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages that you are most willing to accept

    . Now that you know what may or may not happen, identify the risks you can tolerate and the benefits that will make you happier.

  • Act accordingly

    . Now that you know what you can and cannot accept and that you understand what is the best decision for you, it is time to carry it out.

You are responsible for your own decisions


The process we just talked about is made up of simple guidelines and, therefore, you can adapt them however you like. If, one day, you realize you’ve made the wrong decision, don’t blame yourself and accept your responsibility. Remember that no decision is entirely right or entirely wrong and that there is no way to predict its exact consequences.

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