Friends Who Hug Tightly And The World Breathes With Me

Friends who hug tightly and the world breathes with me

I don’t know how they got to me, I just know it happened suddenly; when I least expected to feel so lucky to have them next to me, they approached me and waited until they never left.

I don’t know what friends other people have, but I can say that I know which friends hug me so tightly that the world breathes with me. For this reason, if it has happened to you too, I advise you to keep those people close, because I’m sure they deserve it.

“Flee. From everything and everyone. And when you think you are far enough away, think about who you would like to have near. This is how I know who are the important people in my life ”.


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I have time to prove to myself that everyone has to be given an opportunity

My friends have taught me many things, even without realizing it ; among these, one of the most important is that they made me understand that giving an opportunity can be the best choice.

I refer, for example, to those moments in our life when disappointments force us to close in on ourselves and to believe that everyone will harm us, as has already happened to us in the past. That’s when friends will show up to prove us wrong.

They show us that the best people in our lives are the ones who want to stay with us. Our friends are there, whatever happens, without judging us and respecting everything that happens: they are our shoulder in the dark days and our push when we slow down.

I’m in time to give you some of my smiles

To my friends I owe half of what I am, because they have allowed me to grow and to complete certain stages of my life. In some crucial moments, it was my smile, that smile that gives so much satisfaction.

We all know that the sun always rises, but we appreciate it more when it first rained. The same thing happens with people, as unfair as it may seem: my friends became lonely when it rained the hardest, and I will never forget it.

Surely, you too have the feeling that no matter what happens, there will be someone with you who will make you laugh. It doesn’t matter what space time or space time is between you: near or far, that person will follow you wherever you go and will always do what they can to brighten up your day.

“Sometimes 56 seconds of webcam conversation is enough to brighten the day for someone miles away. We all have 56 seconds at our disposal ”.


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You hug me and I go back to being myself

Now that I have met them and have them with me, I cannot lose them. They are my true friends: they celebrate my joys, they overcome sadness with me, they listen even when I don’t want to talk and they talk even when I don’t want to listen.

They give me advice at the most opportune moments, they teach me to see the positive side of things and to look at the world from another perspective. They are the friends that everyone would need so that the time spent with them is unforgettable, so that the cold of solitude is less rigid and so that we can enjoy life together.

Life is truly lived when your friends hug you. Come back to being yourself when, after losing or failing, they tell you “continue to be yourself”. Only with them you breathe and only thanks to them you continue to enjoy life, day by day.

“What I like about mutual and selfless help between two people is the uncertainty of not knowing who was lucky enough to meet whom”.


When I met them, I was not aware of what the sentence just quoted meant, but now I know it is really true: the greatest thing you can have in your hands is the good fortune of having met those friends and the happiness of knowing that the affection and the bond are reciprocal.

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