Films That Invite Reflection

Films that invite reflection

Films are capable of awakening any kind of emotion. They make us happy, they make us cry with sadness or comedy, they inspire us… We usually look at them just to switch off or spend some time. But if we know how to harness their power, they can become one of our best allies in developing our potential. Today we focus in particular on some films that invite reflection.

The next time you feel like watching something that inspires or motivates you, any of these thought-provoking films can give you the boost you are missing. Just make sure you look at them with an open mind so you can appreciate all the messages they convey.

Films that invite reflection

1- If you leave me I will cancel you

What would happen if you could completely erase a person from memory? Who hasn’t happened to be longing to get rid of the memory of an ex? This is the premise of the first movie on our list. In If You Leave Me I Delete You, the protagonist  chooses to remove his ex-girlfriend from his memories to prevent him from missing her.

However, as is often the case in real life, things aren’t very straightforward for  Jim Carrey’s character. After meeting her again by chance without remembering her, they will start a new love story that will make us think for days.

2- I start all over again

Phil Connors, a TV presenter for a local channel, has to report on Groundhog Day (a holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada). However, for reasons he does n’t  know, he sees himself trapped in time and has to relive several times on the same day.

At first the protagonist feels all kinds of negative emotions, such as sadness or fear… However, little by little he realizes that he must try to make the most of his situation. So, start changing some of his actions early to enjoy Groundhog Day to the fullest.

This film can help us understand the impact of small decisions on our daily life. Ultimately, it is our actions and thoughts that determine our life. Why not take action on them consciously?

3- Interstellar

Another of the films that invite reflection is Interstellar . It is a feature film that mixes  science, current events and the typical problems of each person  in almost three hours full of intensity.

This feature film invites us to reflect on themes such as friendship, family, loneliness… But also on our responsibility towards the planet, the conquest of space and the future of humanity. All this with a frantic rhythm  that will not make you detach from the screen even for  a minute.

4- V for Vendetta

Few times the adaptation of a book or a comic to the big screen manages to achieve success. However, the film version of Alan Moore’s graphic novel  has become a real mass phenomenon. In fact, his ideas have succeeded in shaping a real social movement.

The film follows in the footsteps of V, a mysterious character who wishes to end the oppression of the tyrannical UK government. In this dystopian world, the country is subjected to a tyranny and the protagonist wishes to recover the freedom of the citizens at any cost.

V for Vendetta is undoubtedly one of the best films that invite reflection. After seeing it, you will inevitably ask yourself questions about issues such as freedom, courage, sacrifice and government control. It is a feature film that has become a real classic.

5- Fight Club

From the last film on our list comes one of the most repeated phrases of recent times: “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” The main topic of the film:  breaking social expectations to do what you really want.

However, instead of addressing this issue in a positive way,  Fight club  does so from a rather dark perspective. Violence, death and madness are present throughout the duration of the film.

The films presented here are a very brief reference to the multitude of films that almost inevitably invite reflection. However, this is  a good starting point.

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