Enclosed In Me Are All The Dreams Of The World

Enclosed in me are all the dreams in the world

Enclosed in me are all the dreams in the world. The  dreams we strive for can indeed come true, although not always in the way we anticipated. Because this world is full of infinite possibilities. Possibilities that sometimes surprise us, but which, if we do not give up, can also lead us to what we wanted so much.

Perhaps these words will seem utopian to you. Maybe you think that not all dreams can come true, because not everything is possible. Well, without losing sight of reality, we hope this article will change your mind. Think that, at times, the possibilities come masked in the most disparate ways and that precisely for this reason they go a little unnoticed.

As you read this article, we invite you to think about your dreams. Perhaps you will find a different route to get there. You never know, life always has surprises in store for us, even when we don’t expect them. Now open your eyes and mind to fully understand what you will read.


In square heads there are no round ideas

It can be said that in “square” heads there are no round ideas, because in the life of those who have a too framed mentality there is only room for a single way of thinking. These are the people who tell us to stop dreaming,  who repeat to us to put our feet on the ground, because between what we want and what we can achieve there is an ocean that is impossible to cross.

Do you believe that dreaming of flying is a utopia? It will only be so if you are convinced of it. It will be if you wait for your wings to grow to fly. But if you stop listening to the “square heads” and decide to fight for your dreams , you may be able to prove everyone wrong.

Men have always dreamed of flying, envious of the freedom of birds. Many gave up, because they didn’t have wings, but there was also someone who didn’t leave that dream in the drawer and managed to get their feet off the ground. That someone was Leonardo Da Vinci, who decided to heed the possibilities of his aspirations, and built wings that allowed him to soar.

Perhaps this may seem too simplistic to you, but in his time many took him for crazy. And so he was taken for mad who wanted to cross the waters, until someone made it possible, building the first boat. Because history has shown that many projects classified as crazy by “square” minds have actually not only materialized, but have completely revolutionized the world.

In any case, all the creators of these inventions and ideas had to deal with the conformity with which others tempted them and, in some cases, tortured them.


If you can dream it, you can do it

If you can dream it, you can do it, however hard the struggle you have to wage. Maybe you are surrounded by square minds, by vampires sucking dreams, by monsters that kill your hopes. But no one will give you anything, you have to keep fighting.

But what are your dreams? And are you really struggling to make them happen? People often dream of getting rich and wait to win the lottery while sitting on the couch. But no one has ever said that to achieve a dream it is enough to sit and wait.

If you dream of being rich, for example, you will have to define what exactly it means to you. Having so much money that you don’t know what to do with it? Do you have enough money to ensure a comfortable life for your family, or just enough money to be happy? And if so, what does it mean for you to be happy ?

Perhaps you have never stopped to reflect on these questions. It may be that wealth is one of your dreams simply because it is the dream of many other people, even if almost everyone considers it almost a utopia. And it is so because they have never really set out to make that dream come true, not even to approach it to be able to touch it: it is not a real goal, and for this reason it remains in the world of dreams.

But today we want to tell you and repeat that, if you can dream it, you can also do it. To make your dreams come true, however, you must have a clear idea of ​​what they are. They must be yours and you must have the courage to fight to reach them.

Do not be afraid of failure, like those who complain of not being able to achieve their dreams … And while they do they remain seated comfortably, never trying to really fight.


If you fight for your dreams, you will be able to make them come true

Gather your strengths, then, and don’t stop dreaming. Because if you fight for your dreams, you will be able to make them come true. It may take some time, and you may not see results right away, but life is never easy, so keep fighting. It may be that not everything will turn out exactly as you imagined, but maybe something you never considered could make you the happiest person in the world in the future.

Open your eyes and mind, don’t deny the existence of something just because you don’t see it today. Reality always surpasses fantasy, thanks to people who are able to fight and dream of a better world. Never stop doing it, and don’t listen to those who tell you that reality cannot be changed.

For this reason I have enclosed all the dreams of the world in me. So I can choose the ones I want to fight for, without ceasing to see so many other things that could lead me to what I want most: happiness. Surrender to those who are blind and do not fight does not help us. Nor to wait for everything to resolve itself, without making an effort. Only those who risk can hope to win, and those who are able to fight will get what at that moment is written only in their dreams.

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