Do You Know The Meaning Of The Scribbles You Think About?

Do you know the meaning of the scribbles that you do thoughtlessly?

It is a habit that many people have: while they are talking on the phone or are waiting for something, they take a piece of paper and start scribbling. If you do it too, you may have noticed that, almost without realizing it, some of these drawings begin to become part of your everyday life and you always repeat them in a similar way, every time you are lost in thought.

While these random drawings do not exactly describe who we are, they certainly indicate some traits of our personality, which we unconsciously express through drawing. We prefer some forms over others, because some of them more faithfully reflect our innermost perceptions.

A distinction must be made between occasional and habitual scribbling. The first are drawings that we make a couple of times, but which we never repeat. The latter, on the other hand, are our favorites, the ones we can’t help but draw when we are faced with a sheet of paper. They are the latter to represent a clue of what we have inside and that, perhaps, we do not yet know.

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The strokes of the scribbles made lost in thought

Depending on the shape, the precision and the arrangement of the traits that make up our thoughtful scribbles, we can determine some traits of our character  or some emotions or feelings that we are experiencing and which, perhaps, have not yet come to the surface. The main meanings are as follows:

  • Geometric strokes

    . They correspond to simple geometric figures (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.). If they have no decorations and are empty inside, these figures tell us about people who tend to repress their feelings and would like to manage everything through reason. If they are filled with shadows, they reveal that the person is going through a process of making his beliefs more flexible. If they have completely black and other white areas, it indicates that the person has strong doubts.

  • Stiff or very marked features.

    When the stroke is drawn on the paper with a lot of force or when it wants to be excessively perfect, it reveals that the person may be distressed, is over-focused on his problems and tends to be obsessive. This could be the case with repressed anger or feelings of aggression that have not yet been well identified. If the line almost breaks the sheet, you are faced with someone invaded by violence.

  • Irregular or zigzag line

    . Dashed or zigzag lines reflect impulsiveness. These are people who accumulate tensions and then suddenly freeze them. In general they are quite passionate subjects, which give a lot of importance to the affective component.

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The shape of the scribbles made lost in thought

The shape we give to our scribbles is also a clue to our unconscious feelings or perceptions that motivate them. To adequately analyze these drawings, we must examine both the stroke and the form they adopt. Here are the different meanings depending on the type of drawing:

  • Arrows

    . All arrows, in general, reveal a component of aggression. They tell us about dynamic and impulsive people, with a strong tendency to action. If the arrows go from left to right, they indicate that aggression is being projected onto others. If they go from right to left, the aggression is aimed at themselves. Curving arrows identify people who know how to gather their forces to direct them towards the achievement of a goal.

  • Spirals

    . All spiral shapes indicate strongly self-centered people who, therefore, struggle to look beyond their interests and what suits them. The spirals ending on the left side show that a strong influence of the past persists, which has not been processed. If, on the other hand, they end up on the right side, they indicate a great fear of loneliness, alternating with the need to forge social relationships to get out of isolation.

  • Stars and crosses.

    Star enthusiasts reveal a strong need to be the center of attention in the social environments in which they move. However, if these stars have many points, but are hollow inside, they also reflect a certain depression and tendency to melancholy. Crosses, on the other hand, tell us about people who have strong feelings of guilt or who feel they have big responsibilities on their shoulders.

  • Human figures.

    Drawing people is an indication of feeling helpless in front of others; they are typical of a person who perceives himself as incapable of assuming the responsibilities that are due to him. This is especially true in the case of scribbling very small figures. When the figures of people are very stylized, made only of lines and circles, they reflect a strong insecurity, the fear that others will approach and the need to withdraw into themselves.

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