Call Me Crazy And I’ll Be Happy

Call me crazy and I'll be happy

I’m tired of hearing the word crazy and, besides, hearing it used so wrong. It is as if it were an out-of-context and misused proverb, one that is pleasing only to the ears of the ignorant, but that annoys those who know more about the reality of things.

Crazy, insane, demented, strange, different, nutty, tared, touched, perturbed, dangerous, deranged, maniac, goat, nutty, schizophrenic, crazy, mentally ill, bipolar, dazed, paranoid, slow, sick, splattered, psychopath , moody, crazy.

Fill the void of ignorance with meaning


All ignorance can be cured through words. Get away from stigmas and false myths. Get closer and get to know reality up close and, if possible, firsthand. I only ask you to move away from unclear concepts, to open up to a completely new one for you, but one that already exists for others.

I know there is no evil in your confusion, even if I sometimes think otherwise. I will not deny you that the word crazy has hurt me on several occasions. It made me feel out of place, different and unworthy. It is an unpleasant sensation that is not easy to get used to.

I have learned, as I hope you do too, that a single word can conceal multiple meanings within itself. I learned that from a distance everything looks confusing and strange, but as we get closer to things that seemed undefined to us, they seem sharp and detailed.

The power of madness

A single word cannot express all the meaning it can contain. I suffered, I cried, I felt trapped in a dead end maze. There were days when I thought about throwing in the towel, giving up everything, days when nothing made sense. To the point of believing that nothing had ever really made sense.


When I was about to give up, I had people by my side who reminded me not to, that it wasn’t worth it. All those who have given me a hand, instead of putting a spoke in the wheel, I can thank them from my heart.

I am certainly not a perfect person, until today I have never known anyone who was. I make mistakes and, like any other human being, I am wrong. I correct myself, even if it is sometimes too late. I hope you understand and stay by my side instead of turning your back on me.

I’m not going to stop being myself just to please you. I feel lucky to have discovered myself and to love myself unconditionally. I didn’t come into the world to please you or to be what you want me to be. I am me. I would like to please you, but just as I accept myself, I accept that it is not possible to please everyone.


Call me crazy and I’ll be happy

If you want to give me an adjective, I won’t be preventing it. Label me one way or another if you feel safer reducing my world to a word and taking refuge behind it. Call me crazy or insane if you like, but if you do, let me be aware of the true meaning of this word.

Crazy, strong, brave, kind, peaceful, affectionate, unique, fighter, skilled, polite, careful, responsible, determined, quiet, wonderful, ready, alert, surprising, warrior, tenacious, original, tough, meticulous, sweet, funny, human, sensitive, interesting, exceptional.

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