As Long As We Cry, There Is Hope

As long as we cry, there is hope

As long as we cry, there is hope. Everything that hurts us, that changes us, also makes us grow and fight.

What ails us shows us the value of smiles, caresses and good times. It makes us learn from bad times and seek the strength to change them.

In tears there can be the motivation for change and improvement.

There is no better fuel than that coming from the deepest sadness, the one that enters our bones and takes our breath away.

Because, in life, the most negative moments precede the best changes, those leaps into the void accompanied by fear and uncertainty, but also those that will give us the most.

In tears there is strength, character, one feels with the heart.

These are the reasons why we cry. Each tear is an impulse and a way of touching the bottom to lean on the force that pushes us to build something better.

As long as you cry, you are alive

As long as we cry, there is life that explodes within us, and therefore the hope necessary to continue fighting for better.

Let us remember that as water gives life, tears help us to know the strength hidden in our heart.

As long as we cry there is life

For this reason, sadness is necessary in order to know our courage.

Because tears do not act like rain on rocks, they do not erode inside us, but they give us the necessary courage to be able to return to see the sun after the storm.

Rainbows only appear if there is a storm and if we don’t let the rain stop us from seeing beyond our sadness.

The most beautiful things, the ones we remember best, are those that seemed impossible to us in sadness, but which then happened because we did not surrender to our inner torment.

We learn to open the umbrella, to let off steam, to cry, to shout and to express ourselves when necessary. We gather the strength of our emotions and free our inner reality,

Because there is nothing wrong with being human, there is nothing wrong with expressing an emotion.

As long as you cry, there are opportunities to learn

If there’s nothing wrong with expressing an emotion, why don’t we take advantage of it to learn and get something better out of it?

We may be surprised at what we can do when we know each other and listen to our pain.

Nothing is ever as it seems, and just as the deepest sadness can hide behind a smile, opportunities, dreams and happiness can be hidden behind tears.

We must not be deceived by appearances, nor drowned in sadness.

Woman crying

We learn to listen to our tears to draw strength from them

and seek the change we so desire. Let’s decipher its meaning to distinguish what bothers us, eliminate what causes it from our lives and if it is not possible to say goodbye, we build a bridge to all the teachings they bring.

Let’s not forget that by expressing ourselves there will always be that shoulder to cry on and that embrace that will give us shelter and love, and that after the strong storms there are also moments of calm, tranquility and time to think.

When there are tears, there is hope, because behind every reason to cry, there is an open door for everything to change.

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