Albert Einstein And Personal Growth

Albert Einstein and personal growth

Who doesn’t know Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of the twentieth century? His greatest contribution was the theory of relativity, however, in addition to his precious scientific legacy, he has given us some brilliant phrases very useful for our personal growth. Here, then, are some of his phrases that can serve as inspiration and reflection.

It is said – no matter if it is truth or legend – that Albert Einstein as a child was not considered particularly intelligent by his teachers. He had a hard time expressing himself and relating to others, he started talking very late (he didn’t do it until he was 3 years old). During his teens, his problems worsened.

It is certain that Albert Einstein failed to integrate into the secondary education in which he found himself studying. It is said that a professor, Dr. Joseph Degenhart, told him that he would never achieve anything in life. Despite this, Einstein did not lose motivation and managed to develop the theory of relativity. The same one that many tried in vain to discredit.

Below we present some of Albert Einstein’s phrases, some of his personal conclusions that contributed to his personal growth.

Albert Einstein and personal growth

Two ways of seeing life

This is a phrase from Albert Einstein that can make us change our attitude towards life. Do we consider ourselves victims of everything that happens to us? Do we think we don’t have the ability to influence what happens to us? Sometimes, what we perceive as negative distresses us to the point of not being able to recognize the opportunities it brings with it.

Today’s society contaminates our gaze with a filter. The filter of deficiency instead of abundance. We believe we need to purchase goods or services that equip us with what we have been made to believe we lack. For many it is as if never, not even for a moment, something was enough. They feel poor and lacking. A sensation that, in one way or another, we have all experienced at least once.

Woman with backpack in front of two roads

It is important to take a new perspective on life by accepting what is owned by other people. Instead of denying and rejecting them, we try to see situations from different perspectives… until we are able to be aware that our vision can make the difference between a won or lost opportunity.

Living on autopilot

This second sentence from Albert Einstein refers to something many of us do without applying consciousness: living on autopilot. Our beliefs, mostly learned or inherited, our habits or mental and behavioral patterns direct our lives. In this way, we remain blind.

It is difficult to get out of the automatic mode. However, there are many activities, such as meditation or mindfulness , that invite us to be more present, to move away from that mechanical way of life that makes us behave like robots. There is nothing more enriching than being able to connect with our inner part.

The danger of doing nothing

What is the use of always tripping over the same stone? We tend to expect things to change without changing our habits, our attitudes, without maturing… It is as if we give the responsibility for what happens to us to a higher force. As if luck or misfortune, or guilt, belong to others.

Quite often people settle into complaining or victimization, saying things like “I don’t like my job, but I can’t find another one” or “I know my partner will change, I’ll succeed!”. All this, as Albert Einstein says, is madness!

To begin to see different results, it is necessary to make changes within ourselves. Move, get out of our safety zone, take action, but don’t stand still. It is difficult to get different results by repeating the same pattern over and over.

Boy in front of a lake

To fail is to stop trying

This fourth sentence from Albert Einstein allows us to reflect on what, for a long time, we have taken for granted. Failures are not a good reason to throw in the towel, as you can learn a lot from them. Failures are a lesson and seeing them from this perspective allows us to move forward.

There are not a few people who think that failure is the signal that determines the moment to give up, to believe that “this is not for us”. If Albert Einstein believed this, today we would not enjoy his legacy or that of many other personalities who have made great contributions to progress. Well yes, true failure only happens when we stop trying or when we despise the path and fix ourselves only on the final goal.

The power to change the way you think

Although it is difficult to believe, the reality we see, the way we perceive it is very much influenced by our previous experiences and by those filters – such as optimism or pessimism – that we have integrated through experience, to our gaze. For this reason, it is useless to complain about how circumstances treat us, as it is we who must change our way of thinking and our way of seeing them.

Knowing all this, Albert Einstein offers us the opportunity to reflect on all those behaviors that make us feel at the mercy of circumstances as if we have no control over them. In reality, every change is born within us. We have great power that we do not take advantage of.

Human mind

If you are in a process of personal growth, if you are going through a crisis or if you feel that it is difficult for you to move forward, these quotes from Albert Einstein can help you. Reflecting on each of them will help you to open your mind, to question everything you have learned and practiced automatically and will allow you to experience life in a much more stimulating way.

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