A Good Book Opens With Expectation And Closes With Profit

A good book opens with expectation and closes with profit

How much truth lies behind the phrase ” a good book opens with expectation and closes with profit”. Avid readers will know, reading is more than just a pleasure. Reading transports us with our thoughts and emotions to the most hidden places of our mind.

Reading makes you happy and free. Just as great minds claim, reading the work of great writers enables us to make creative and reasonable decisions. There is no doubt that, just as Cortázar said, “a book begins and ends long before and long after its first and last page”.

“I’d like to know,” he muttered to himself, “what the hell is in a book as long as it’s closed. Of course there are only the letters printed on the paper in it, but something must be in it, because the moment you start leafing through it, there is suddenly a whole story. There are characters that I don’t know yet and there are all the possible adventures and feats and battles, and sometimes there are sea storms or you arrive in distant countries and cities.

All these things are somehow already in the book. To experience them, you have to read it, this is clear. But I have been in it since before. I would really like to know how. ” 

And suddenly he felt enveloped in an almost solemn atmosphere. 

He settled down comfortably, grabbed the book, opened the first page and began to read “

-Michael Ende, The Neverending Story-

open book

Immersing ourselves in a good book makes us more satisfied with life

According to the results of a study carried out at the University of Roma Tre, which involved more than 1100 people, those who read are much happier and satisfied with their lives than non-readers.

In the words of Nuccio Order, “ feeding the spirit is as important as feeding the body ”. Just as it emerges from various studies that involve the use of functional magnetic resonance to examine the brains of readers before and after reading a book, in order to feed itself, our brains need the stories we read and the learning we draw from. them.

There is nothing new in any of this, yet it is curious to see how the links between the central sulcus of the brain, the primary motor cortex, the primary visual cortex, and other language-related areas multiply.


But there is more. As we read a good book, we come to reduce our stress levels and enhance our emotional intelligence, self-knowledge, stimulating empathy and our psychosocial development.

Thanks to the possibility of identifying ourselves in a new reality and thinking in a different way from our own, we can even learn to modify our behaviors, to understand others more easily and to take our life lessons that can help us solve moral and emotional dilemmas. .

A good book is one that leaves a trace

It is not our intention to declare that all books should be read by everyone. However, we can certainly confirm the existence of books that fascinate, capture and enclose within their pages a real intellectual luxury.


We leave you below the list of some “unmissable” books. It is just SOME TITLES chosen according to a subjective criterion. We would be happy if you were to share with us the titles of the books that have marked you.

Crime and Punishment, by  Fyodor Dostoevsky

One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez

Don Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes

The metamorphosis, by Kafka

Doctor Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak

Anna Karenina, by Lev Tolstoy

Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert

The portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne

The Seagull Jonathan Livingston, by Richard Bach

1984, by George Orwell

The New World, by Aldous Huxley

The game of the world, by Julio Cortázar

The Neverending Story, by Michael Ende

The Miserable, by Victor Hugo

The Young Holden, by JD Salinger

The name of the rose, by Umberto Eco

The Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry

Do you have others to recommend?


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