In Search Of Personal Satisfaction

In search of personal satisfaction

Being happy is a choice, your choice. Happiness is not a goal to be achieved

For a long time psychology has focused primarily on the study of the negative and pathological aspects of the human being, including depression, stress, anxiety, etc. The reality is that the foundations of well-being, of the happiness of the individual, as well as the virtues and positive aspects of the human being remained outside the analysis.

Of these aspects deals with positive psychology thus encompasses themes such as happiness, wisdom, emotional intelligence, resilience, sense of humor, etc. The goal of this discipline is to make people reach a better quality of life and a greater degree of happiness and personal satisfaction, which is why it is often called the “Science of Wellness”.

Below, we will talk about some aspects that you can take into consideration if you want to learn to be happy, to feel good about yourself and to enjoy a certain degree of well-being.

The first thing you need to know is that being happy is a choice, your choice. Happiness is not a goal to be achieved, the answer is within you. happiness is a state of mind, it is personal satisfaction, it helps to define and improve one’s goals, broadens the mind and contemplates all available possibilities in a positive way. Happiness is also a powerful source of energy that extends to everyone around you.

You must choose to be happy and for this we give you some tips that can help you:

Adopt a positive attitude towards life

First, it’s about showing appreciation for what you have. For a moment look around and see what you have, for sure there are many things to be grateful for. Positive and cheerful moments, love and enthusiasm can overcome and neutralize negative moments of anger, hatred or apathy. If you are determined, you can strive to develop positive habits that could be decisive in your life.

Everything is based on being happy with what you have, but many people, who apparently have everything, never manage to be happy and always need something else.

Make your life easier

Sometimes, it seems like we have to fill our lives with so many things and activities that in theory should make us happy. However, along the way it happens to get lost and not do what really makes you happy. So, it seems like we don’t have time to do anything and that’s frustrating. In the end, we don’t even have time to have coffee with a friend or sit down and listen to some good music.

You need to be clear about your working times and idle times. Do not let yourself be distracted by anything during moments of leisure and fun because they are more necessary than you think.

Tune your body and mind

When our body is in tune with our mind, everything is fine and we feel happy. This is why physical activity is so important for emotional stability: exercise releases stress, relieves depression and allows you to achieve harmony between body and mind. Take some time to do some exercise sessions and relax. It will make a big difference to your mood.

Don’t stifle emotions

Repressing is always a mistake. Don’t do this, but breathe deeply and give yourself permission to experience different emotions, whether they are “good” or “bad”, it doesn’t matter. Many times we believe that it is not a good thing to feel envy or fear, so we stifle these emotions. However, these emotions are part of life and you have to live them freely.

Decide to be happy. Keep your inner self in check and pay attention to when you get carried away by negativity towards unhappiness. The right path is to cultivate happiness by working day after day and changing your attitude towards life.

Photograph courtesy of graur razvan ionut –

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