Get Rid Of The Pain Of Too High Expectations

Get rid of the pain of too high expectations

We are true experts in creating ideas in our heads from nothing. When we study at university, we hope to find a good job right after we graduate. If we are engaged, we imagine life as a couple with that person. And so we do for other aspects of life, expecting the best possible scenario .

This is not entirely wrong. Conversely, having goals is necessary to lead a fulfilling life. If we don’t continually challenge ourselves, we will never be able to move forward.

The problem is that we are not always realistic about what we want. When we go beyond our means, we end up giving up.

If we focus on every step we take, we will avoid the pain of not meeting high expectations.

Create realistic goals

To avoid the pain of high expectations, you need to set realistic goals. The secret is to find a balance between too high ambitions and one’s own possibilities .

We are not saying that you cannot get where you want to go, but you should not expect to be successful right away and without any effort.

Think of the people you admire and you will realize that everyone has moved on in small steps. Before planning the wedding and the naming of the children you will have with your partner, spend at least a few years together .

Finish line

When you focus all of your attention on achieving small goals, you create the perfect path to the final goal.

Establish your own system for measuring success

Many of the expectations we have depend on the education we have received . If at home we have been taught that only those who are successful will have the house and the car of the year, then this is what we will seek.

But you, dear readers, have you ever paused to reflect on what success is for you? How would you measure it?

It’s hard to believe, there are people everywhere who are very socially successful, but little emotional satisfaction.

Maybe after they bought that huge house in that luxury neighborhood they realized that the debt they incurred made them miserable. In this case, the emotional and financial pain is enormous.

Take a moment to think about how to measure success. For example, you can rely on:

  • About the number of people who surround you and who matter to you.
  • About the amount of money you have in the bank.
  • About the time you can spend with your family.

These are just a few options, you will have to find your own measurement system without feeling pressured by others.

Having high expectations is important in life

We are not saying that you have to lower your expectations in life. On the contrary, it is the expectations that keep you going and improve you as a person .

The point is that you only grow when you challenge yourself with what you want and it makes you happy. If on the way you forget about yourself and what you want, pain will be inevitable.

It does not matter what happens, remember that you are the protagonists of your story and you should not allow anything or anyone to take this role from you.

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