How To Recognize False Friends

How to recognize false friends

Falsehood has wings and flies, while truth runs after it with difficulty, so that by the time people realize the deception, it is already too late. 

“Miguel de Cervantes”

Many times it is really difficult to recognize a branded bag from an imitation. They have the same shape, the same color, the same texture, the same size and sometimes the brand label totally the same. But there are small details that unmask it over time.

Imitation bags stand out when they are wet or exposed to the sun, because, for example, they wear out inside, or because their shoulder strap becomes uncomfortable after a while. 

And what do you do? Even if they get damaged, you continue to wear them because you don’t mind throwing them away or because they are “beautiful to look at”, even if after discovering that they are not original you will never give them the same importance. 

The same happens in relationships with false friends. 

It starts to seem strange to you not to argue for stupid things and not to feel tense about certain reactions. It only happens to you with that person and you have been thinking about it for a long time. His behavior leaves something to be desired, but you don’t want to open your eyes completely. Eliminating friends from your life does not please anyone.

Below we will present some of the characteristics of “imitations”, which very often present themselves as “friends of the heart”. 

Be careful! These are subtle measures and you may sometimes think that they are exaggerations, but take this into account before your feelings completely precipitate, as happens with things that fall from an imitation bag, after it is broken, being of poor quality. This is something that you knew would happen sooner or later, but that you preferred to leave it to doubt.

But there are no doubts. If a friend of yours has this behavior, leave the bag in the attic and add him to the list of “unwanted” numbers. Or format everything, whatever it takes. 


-Your friend always seems happy to talk to you, but he always talks badly about others. He constantly breaks relationships and quarrels with everyone, and instead of speaking well of others, he spits poison, of the deadly one.

Curiously, with these people he criticizes he seems to get along perfectly when you go out, and sometimes he even compliments them. Obviously, the person in question is in front of it.

It doesn’t talk about ideas, it talks about people. He constantly talks about what’s happening to him. It is impossible to engage in a conversation that does not lead to constantly analyzing the lives of others and continually comparing them to his own.  

– Your story is not that important. He says he understands you, even if he then tells you that you are exaggerating, that it is not what you need and he just wants to comment on your situation and be heard.

– He tells you that you have to be happy and positive, but he is the first not to do it. This means that he pretends to be strong in order not to recognize a situation that causes him pain.

-He makes inappropriate comments like “mine was better”, “I’ve done that before” “I’ve been through it too” “don’t overdo it” .. his maturity level is 100 and yours is 0 He says he wants to help you but then doesn’t put theory into practice.

He gives too much importance to social relationships, he always wants to help everyone, but when he tries to do it he constantly complains. He can’t say no, but when it comes to serious things he is hesitant.

-He tells you that you have many qualities when you feel bad and loves being with you in these moments… but be wary. Quickly switch to demotivating phrases like “these things always go wrong” or “be realistic”. He is on your side when you are down, but he is not happy for you when things are going well for you.

He doesn’t have a sense of humor, or at least, he doesn’t have your sense of humor. You like to laugh and if you make a funny joke he will say “It’s not funny”. You don’t know what to talk about. 

– He asks you questions about your family and friends and seems to take the attitude of someone who wants to judge, too. You do without dealing with these matters, but he is persistent, he wants to know details that do not concern him.

Repeat the same story over and over again. As if he forgot who told it and who didn’t. 

There are no debates on politics or religion. He always has a sentence ready to close the speech and makes you pass for those who always take too demanding speeches. If you were outraged by a news read in the newspaper, you will be even more so by his behavior.

– It’s unpleasant. He complains and is not sweet or delicate at all. It is very difficult to say I love you or to hug you.

He says he is strong and has overcome many things, but this must not be a reason to diminish your worries, especially because you listen to him in any situation, even when things are not as bad for you as he describes them.

– You have reached the point of not being able to take it anymore and you clearly tell him that you need to improve your relationship. He is surprised but seems to want to improve. And you feel guilty because you need to talk to a loved one about it, because you don’t talk behind a friend’s back.

He spoke badly of you to your friends and acquaintances, despising you. With the most surrealist lies. Making fun of you. Nothing was spared.

Even if it can’t hurt you anymore. And you don’t feel sorry anymore.

With these people, you shouldn’t waste even an extra minute of your time. You have earned it and he remains with his forked tongue. 

Pact made! If we had known, we would have let it go right away. But no one had warned us!

Remember that!

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