Beautifying Moments: A Skill Within Everyone’s Reach

Beautifying moments: a skill within everyone's reach

Life is a fantastic collection of moments, which is why the inclination to make them beautiful and enjoyable, to embellish moments is one of the things that most reconciles us with our nature.

For most of our lives we have to follow schedules, obligations and activities that are very often stressful. These circumstances, if not managed correctly, end up causing general malaise, dissatisfaction, work stress, anxiety, locking us in a state of mind in which we never wanted to find ourselves.

Anyone can experience stressful times, feel suffocated, tired, sad. Situations that should be isolated cases become more and more common and frequent. Somehow, this stress leads us to the point of being trapped, until one day we wake up and find ourselves wondering: “But enjoying life instead?”; “How can we embellish the moments?” These are those moments that as children we created in an extremely natural way, of which we sometimes forget the recipe …

Embellishing moments: what does it consist of?

Beautifying moments is an emotional regulation skill  developed through different approaches, such as Positive Psychology or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Limit Personality Disorder by Psychologist Marsha M. Linehan.

approaches to embellish moments

We call it an emotional regulation skill because it encompasses all behaviors and thoughts aimed at enhancing well-being and reducing various negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety or frustration. Making moments more beautiful is a very useful skill for dealing with daily obligations and situations with a positive approach.

How to make everyday obligations more pleasant?

1. Live in the present moment

First of all, making the moment you live more beautiful is a skill that requires at least a minimum ability to isolate yourself from the past and the future. In this sense, training mindfulness can help us. It is about being able, when dealing with your daily activities, to stop for a moment to observe and accept what you are experiencing.

Being able to live in the present moment is the first step in recovering this previously mentioned lost recipe. In these “dedicated” moments, we must try to know deeply our feelings, the context and the sensations aroused by movements and external stimuli (such as water when we shower in the morning).

2. Changes… who said “fear”?

The influence of the surrounding environment on our behavior and emotions has been extensively analyzed by Environmental Psychology. To benefit from this influence, we must first investigate how the environment in which we carry out our tasks and obligations is configured. Various studies explain that tidy environments, with natural light and familiar objects that remind us of positive moments, strengthen our well-being and improve performance.

Introducing or displaying images that remind us of our goals and achievements will help us embellish moments and enhance the feeling of well-being. We can also arrange phrases around that give us motivation and remind us why we have chosen the path we are walking. In this way we will improve our motivation and increase our capacity for effort and perseverance.

On the other hand, we have to remove objects or photos that arouse negative feelings from the surrounding environment. If we find objects that do not give us positive feelings or that bring back bad memories, we must place them out of our sight. This will also strengthen our well-being.

We must keep in mind that carrying out routine and boring tasks is easier if we do it in an environment that makes us want to stay, that gives us serenity and where we feel “at home”.

arouse positive moments to embellish moments

3. Acquire the best materials and tools for work or study

Taking care of the materials and tools we work with can be very positive: it is a concern for ourselves. If we have to study, it is best to do it on notes that are pleasing to the eye, that are colorful, that have clear and sharp images. Equipping ourselves with the best tools for work or study will benefit our performance and our motivation. Some think that taking the time to do this is equivalent to losing it, in fact it is the exact opposite.

If, on the other hand, we have already left our studies behind and are working, we must have the work tools we like best. Let us make sure that we have all the necessary elements at our disposal to carry out our tasks effectively. Having tools that we like and that make our work easier will help us focus on our job duties with positivity.

For example, diary, folder and computer can make our work more enjoyable if they are visually pleasing and make us want to use them. We can put as a background on our desktop an image that motivates us, that awakens positive emotions in us. If we can listen to music while we work, we definitely have to!  Music improves performance and mood, as well as potential for creativity.

4. Taking care of every detail of our daily habits

Meals are generally very pleasant moments of interaction, therefore they represent perfect occasions for embellishment. To enhance our general well-being, it can be very helpful to take care of the details when it comes to meal time. Making sure that the food attracts us, that the table is well set, putting a flower or a candle, even if it is only for ourselves, will help us to enjoy every moment to the fullest.

small details to embellish the moments

All these small details are perceived by our mind and allow us to fill the suitcase with positive emotions and motivation. Making the moments more beautiful will therefore allow us to benefit from our routine. It is also true, however, that taking care of every single detail requires effort, but it is an effort that is worth making, because it has a positive impact that is reflected directly on us and on the people we love.

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