Six Ideas To Live To The Fullest

Six ideas to live to the fullest

We often worry about nonsense that makes everyday life a challenge rather than a gift. How many times have you been “depressed” because you didn’t have any more money or because you couldn’t buy what you wanted? Many times we fall into the trap and try to change material things, to modify what surrounds us, in search of that optimal state in which to feel good. At the end of the day, we end up buying something, getting what we wanted, but we want more immediately, we worry about everything that happens and nothing seems to satisfy us. In response we insist on making external changes, we get frustrated, but we don’t consider alternatives.

What if who has to change are you? Worry about you. Today we give you six guidelines that will help you not to forget what is really essential in life.

1. Every moment matters: enjoy it

“The past is history, the future is mystery, and today is a gift; that is why it is called present. ”B. Olantunji

Live the moment, since the past has already passed and the future never comes; the future will also depend on what you do now. It is you and your present: use it well.

2. Be happy because happiness is not the end but a state

“Happiness is not a destination, but a way of traveling …”

What do you prefer? Study, train and work to be happy or study, train and work while being happy? We all do it to be happy, but in the end, happiness is the victim of an eternal pursuit. Think: doesn’t it happen to you that from the moment something negative happens, everything bothers you? In the end, pay attention to absurd things that sadden you and that would normally go unnoticed.

Just like sadness, happiness is also infected. Be happy now. If you try to see the good side of things, you will begin to rejoice over simple things that you didn’t pay attention to before.

3. Be who you really are

“Be yourself, everyone else has already been busy.” Oscar Wilde

To live in the moment and be happy in that moment, you need to be consistent with yourself. We often allow ourselves to be influenced by social pressures of various kinds and deviate from what we really are, want and need.  It has been proven that every human being on the face of the earth is different, not only in their genetics, but also in their experience. Don’t go against your nature: be different, be yourself.

4. Do for others and others will do for you

“A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must try my best to give to the same extent that I have received.” Albert Einstein

As long as there is a man in need, there will be an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference. Small actions make the world a better place. Be someone for a person, make a difference for this person and in turn they will be different and make a difference for others. Ultimately, we are social animals and we need to feel loved. Fight for society and you will be fighting for yourself.

5. Find your goal in life and shine

“The secret of a happy life lies in being proud of one’s achievements and striving for new goals.” Jeff Lindsay

Before we said that we are all different. Is achieving happiness and feeling fulfilled based on the same equation? Don’t imitate others. Add all the nuances you want to their formulas and create your own equation. Create the equation of your life and it will become your purpose.

6. Identify your values

“Happiness is that state of consciousness that proceeds from the realization of one’s values.” Ayn Rand

To be happy and consistent, you need to know your values. Be honest with yourself and identify them. If you always act in accordance with your values, you will have confidence in yourself and your days will not be a challenge, but blank sheets to be filled without regrets.

Image courtesy of: Rachel Titiriga

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