How To Free Your Mind

How to free your mind

After reading many articles on meditation, you have decided to wear comfortable clothing, take the lotus position, close your eyes and wait for your mind to clear. However, this feeling never seems to come; having the feeling of clearing your mind is more complicated than we think.

Learning to free your mind usually generates some difficulties, especially in the beginning or even when we are too stressed. In this article we will explain how to solve the problem.

The mind has no “on / off”

The problem lies in the fact that the mind is not a device that can be disconnected or turned off  (thankfully). The process is a bit more complicated, you don’t just unplug or flip a switch; so, how to completely free your mind?

In fact,  the question we should ask ourselves is: do I need to put my brain on standby to meditate?  The professors will certainly say yes, but it does not seem to be a “sine qua non” condition for obtaining the much desired “enlightenment”.

empty mind head profile

Because? Because it is a bit complicated to be able to make thoughts fade as if by magic, taking into account that we cannot turn off our mind when we want.

Maybe you just need to close your eyes and pay attention to what is happening to your body,  for example, the air entering the lungs or the spine starting to require a posture that it considers to be better (because it is used to hunching all over. day). Why not take advantage of this moment to listen to relaxing music, the chirping of birds or the sea breeze?

Ideas will come without asking… and they will go away in the same way. The more we try to push them away, the more they will peep out strongly. We must not fight against them, but become friends and wait for them to follow their path alone.

You cannot blow and empty your mind

Many hope (including me) that the mind becomes completely empty when meditating. However, the goal is not exactly this, but to achieve serenity and above all the ability to realize what is happening.

On the other hand, if your mind gets distracted with some thoughts, rather than being sad because you have not achieved “brain purity”, you should be happy! It means that you have remained attentive to what surrounds you and that there are ideas that are buzzing in your head and that you have to solve or on which you have to work.

Meditating helps us to clarify

We must begin to think that  meditation is not an effort or a struggle, but a self-observation, the best way to achieve peace.

Is it possible that there is calm in the comings and goings of thoughts? Maybe yes, it all depends on us. Try this new way of meditating and then explore its benefits. Certainly it will have positive aspects and others less, but with certainty  the meditation will have helped you to calm down a little and even to see from another perspective  some inconveniences or thoughts that did not make you sleep.

Furthermore, between every thought that will appear in your mind, there will be “blank” spaces, sometimes more extended and others less, but empty in any case! These moments of mental clarity or cathartic silence will allow you to enjoy your experience. 

With practice, moreover, you will be able to make these moments more and more frequent and long. The point is not to do everything to make it happen, but to let it be a consequence of constant meditation. Dedicate yourself only to enjoying the journey, path or path.  What you will follow will be a beautiful path and it is worth waiting all the time necessary to reach the goal.

girl meditating in front of the sea

The path is made by walking

Once you reach the goal, you will realize that in reality the most important thing, as always, is the path; this applies to any situation in everyday life!

The benefits of meditating are not only present when you sit cross-legged and eyes closed, not even when you spend all day doing “om” or listening to mantras. Meditation can nourish you at any time of the day, even when you are working, traveling on the subway or preparing dinner.

Your every action can be a meditation, because you don’t have to empty your mind to do it right! The crucial aspect, as you have certainly noticed, is to be careful of what is happening at the moment. Getting this slip of mind will come sooner than expected, don’t worry.

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