What To Do When A Problem Has No Solution?

What to do when a problem has no solution?

By definition , a problem is a situation or issue that has yet to be resolved.

In theory, every problem has a solution and our job is to find it. It may not be easy, but knowing that it has it is essential to not despair and to keep looking for it.

But what happens when this solution doesn’t exist?

If a situation or issue does not have a solution, it is by definition not a problem. It is more likely that we are talking about a REALITY. Life often surprises us with unexpected situations, which do not require us to find a solution, but rather to ACCEPT that life is like this, and that we must learn to live with these situations.

How many solutions are there?

When faced with a problem that requires a solution, we must be creative, because there are millions of possible solutions, as many as we can imagine and combine.

Finding the right solution requires open-mindedness, receptivity and creativity : we must be ready to seize possibilities that we would not have imagined before and, even if we do not find the perfect solution, there are certainly many options that can solve the problem in an adequate way.


How to find the best solution?

When a problem bothers and haunts us, this anxiety often prevents us from looking further to find the best solution.

It is as if we had before our eyes a veil that does not let us see, and often does not even let us think.

To find the best solution, it is necessary to put a distance between us and the problem, to look at it from another point of view, in a different way than we are used to.

To do this, we need to enhance our creativity and be open and receptive to new ways of seeing that situation and to new horizons in which to seek a solution.

How to distance yourself from the problem?

To distance yourself, you need to open your mind, relativize the problem, aware of the fact that there is a solution. It is important to keep calm and mental balance.

Different ways to distance yourself from the problem

1. Use visualization: Imagine the problem that worries you as if it were in front of you and not above you. In this way you will no longer feel an overwhelming weight, but only the responsibility to solve it, together with the certainty that there is a solution. In this way you will be able to see it in another way and find creative solutions.

2. Write automatically, let your ideas flow, without thinking, imagining possible solutions : writing can help you find a new path. After writing you can re-read everything and reflect on these options, relating them to each other, evaluating them and reflecting on them or on a possible combination, the best to solve the problem.

3. To enhance creativity, it is good to inquire, read or listen to advice and experiences from those who have already experienced a situation similar to yours. From them you can draw ideas to continue with your personal research.

4. Traveling, breaking the routine, putting a physical distance. Sometimes, physical distance can also help put an emotional distance between us and the problem. Getting away from your routine and your problems is useful if you are determined to distance yourself mentally as well, since if you do not have this attitude, you can also go a thousand kilometers away, but you will take the problem with you.

However, if you really want to see the problem from a different point of view, unplugging from everything for a limited time can help. In this way you will distance yourself from what worries you and prevents you from seeing the solutions that you have before your eyes.

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