A Short Film To Reflect On Destiny And Opportunities

A short film to reflect on destiny and opportunities

In most Western and Eastern cultures, destiny is associated with predestination. Within Taoism and Confucianism, in karma and Hinduism, but also in Catholicism, there is a subtle margin of freedom that each of us has the opportunity to choose.

Whether you believe in the fate of the Calvinist style or whether you think that everyone builds their own destiny day after day, we are sure that this wonderful short film will not leave you indifferent.

And here is the key to everything: to grasp the small clues that everyday life weaves in a laborious way, creating a blanket that will be our destiny. Because sometimes, if we don’t look up to life, opportunities will pass before our eyes without recognizing them.

It is also possible that the wheel of existence has prepared key moments for us that we cannot change. However, the game of life is actually not “holding back”, not staying still.

It is necessary to go forward every day with open eyes and an awake heart, accepting failures, overcoming obstacles and reaching new victories, but always with the lively hope not to be simply carried away by destiny. Learn to create your own destiny, learn to be the architects of the world you want to live.

Escape from fate or learn from opportunities?


“Destiny” is a wonderful short film that will captivate you right away. At first we have the feeling of someone who has just woken up from a dream and doesn’t quite understand what is happening. Then, we let ourselves be carried away by its mysterious gears …

The short film is the work of the French school Bellecour Ecole d’Art! and follows a narrative rhythm so disconcerting for the viewer that it gives the sensation of being in a “Groundhog day”, or day of the marmot, in reference to the film “Ricomincio da capo” directed by Harold Ramis.

The basic idea of ​​this short film that prompts us to reflect is that if life, destiny, offers us a new opportunity, we have the obligation to recognize its signs. This is not exactly easy because in some way it forces us to read inside, it forces us to follow a path of self-knowledge.

  • Even if nowadays it is true that the theme of destiny does not have a solid scientific confirmation, we cannot stop thinking that it could be a combination of luck, will and chance always aimed at a single purpose: the pursuit of happiness.
  • In the context of psychoanalysis, destiny could be considered a construction as a consequence of a contained emotion, a childhood trauma, a repressed drive that pushes us in one direction rather than another.
  • Behaviorism, on the other hand, would explain destiny as an action that we carry out because we are influenced by our own past or also by behaviors that we have learned and more or less adapted that, in any case, “determine us”.
  • The cognitivist perspective, on the other hand, speaks of mental processes that we all develop to interpret everything we see and, consequently, we act on the basis of these inner mechanisms. Sometimes, there are those who prefer to attribute to destiny everything that happens to them, instead of facing it, instead of taking control of the situation.

There are many possibilities that something concrete will happen one way and not another. It could be luck, chance or fate. It is clear that how we experience reality will determine whether or not this something happens.

“Destiny” is a starting point, but also a profound reflection on destiny. Made by Fabien Weibel, Sandrine Wurster, Victor Debatisse and Manuel Alligné, this short film will take you into a universe full of details. Because life, magic and sometimes even tragedy itself are present in the smallest details. This is what you must not forget. Enjoy the short film and, above all, share it.

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