What Is The Intelligence That Helps Safeguard Social Relationships?

What is the intelligence that helps safeguard social relationships?

Getting a full and happy life is the purpose in which we invest all our efforts and put all our efforts. The only ones responsible for the possible achievement of this goal are ourselves  thanks to the attitude with which we decide to face our daily life . Achieving this satisfaction will depend, among other factors, on our interpersonal intelligence, that is, the ability we have to relate to other people and put ourselves in their shoes.

Empathy and the ability to build social relationships are the skills that form interpersonal intelligence, which is decisive for our choice of friends or partner, for example, and is also largely responsible for our work successes. and academics.

Empathy is the dexterity that allows us to get closer to others, to understand their emotions, to share concerns with them and to understand their behavior. It is the key to the success of interpersonal relationships ; being empathic means understanding the emotions of those around us.

The competences we develop through social skills are what we associate with popularity and the ability to be a leader. They are the skills we use to persuade and guide, negotiate and resolve conflicts, or collaborate and work as a team. If we take a look around us, we will be able to identify this type of intelligence in those particularly sensitive people, with well-defined social skills and who are normally liked by everyone.

Enhance your interpersonal intelligence

If you have decided to improve your social skills and strengthen relationships with your environment, you should know that there are exercises you can work on that will help you develop your interpersonal intelligence:

  • Understanding is key. Faced with a concrete situation that creates discomfort with another person, always try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, look at the facts from his point of view and imagine his feelings.
  • Learn to listen. When you are having a conversation with others,  try to pay attention to all the times you interrupt without letting the sentences end and without them being able to fully express their ideas. If you see that you often commit this gesture, try to correct yourself.
  • Analyze yourself. To do this, write a small text describing yourself. Then write another one, thinking about how your best friend would do it, and finally a third one trying to imagine what a stranger would say about you.
  • Accept criticism with serenity. Ask a family member or friend for help to tell you the negative aspects he sees in your character. Accept the things that are true and reject those that are not, but always do it with an open and calm attitude.
  • Identify the emotions. When you witness a very tense or conflict scene in your family or friends, observe the mood of the people involved.
  • Get closer to other cultures. Be interested and read about other traditions, beliefs and values; this will help you better understand those who do not think like you.

Develop your interpersonal intelligence and it will help you connect with your own feelings and those of others. It will enhance your ability to relate to others, to maintain friendships and to understand those who think differently than you . It is one of the keys to achieving a full and happy life.

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