Phrases About Gratitude For Every Day

Phrases about gratitude for every day

Giving thanks, depending on the person and the situation, may not be easy or “natural”. Many people find it difficult to smile in response to a favor done by someone they don’t like. Still, we know it’s right and that the results will work in our favor in the long run. Phrases about gratitude, therefore, should be used more often and not just in isolated cases.

In general we tend not to be aware of how lucky we are. Having a bed, a roof and some food are an aspiration for many of the people we share the planet with. On the other hand, many of us live so absorbed in their comfort that we think we deserve it, even if we haven’t lifted a finger to get it.

In most cases it was our parents and grandparents who lived through difficult times. They fought for what we take for granted today. They are an example of constancy and perseverance, and they deserve all our pride and respect. This is why our first words of gratitude turn to their constancy. In many cases, if it weren’t for their courage, we wouldn’t have grown up surrounded by love and without financial hardship.

6 phrases about gratitude for every day

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the mother of all others.”

This wise statement is attributed to the Roman writer and politician Marco Tullio Cicero. In his opinion, all grateful people possess a great heart and great virtues. For example, those who are unable to give thanks are unlikely to be able to empathize with the people around them.

Hands holding up a heart

“The pleasure of meeting a grateful man is so great that it is worth the risk of not being ungrateful.”

The great philosopher Seneca was the author of one of the best phrases about gratitude. Even if selfishly, it causes all of us an enormous feeling of happiness to hear someone who dedicates words of gratitude to us: within this thank you, this embrace, there is a gratitude. Through it, we are often aware that the other has noticed and appreciated our gesture. On the other hand, it strengthens our self-esteem because it leaves us with the feeling that we have been able to contribute to something of value.

Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to help those who ask us for a favor. In addition to showing kindness and understanding, it can guarantee us this feeling of complete satisfaction.

“Who does not appreciate a small favor, will not appreciate a big one”

Muhammad spoke these words a long time ago. The famous prophet warned us that ungrateful people cannot be trusted. Those who are not in the habit of expressing their gratitude for the little everyday things will hardly do so in more extreme situations.

Likewise, it will be difficult for them to return the favor if they cannot get something in return.

Hand giving flowers in gratitude

“When you drink water, remember the source”

This Chinese proverb invites us to reflect on our perceptions. When someone helps us, let’s not forget it. On the road to success and self-discovery, everyone needs a helping hand from others.

Recall that even though we are at the top now, not so long ago we were lying on the ground. The people who at that moment helped us stand up and dust off us are worthy of our memory and our gratitude. Let them know they can count on us.

“The gratitude of many is nothing but the secret hope of receiving new and greater benefits”

The French writer and military man François de La Rochefoucauld had this maxim very clear. There are many interested people who will use gratitude to receive benefits. It is in our power to distinguish the hypocrites from those who are truly grateful.

It may seem trivial, but it is not. Relating to people who pretend to be grateful is very dangerous, because when they get tired of using us, they won’t hesitate to betray us for greater favors. We stay away from people with this attitude.

Man sitting on top of the ice

“As children we were grateful to those who filled our socks for Christmas. Why weren’t we grateful to God filling our socks with our feet? “

British journalist and writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton offers us one of the best quotes on gratitude. The gestures offered by others must  deepen our gaze, so that we can go far beyond what we see with the naked eye. For example, at Christmas, children need to understand that any kind of gift deserves our thanks, not just toys or money. If you learn what is really important from an early age, you will hardly forget it. This will mark them in any decisions they make in the future.

While there are thousands of phrases and reflections that accurately express the wonders of gratitude, it is our job to discover them. They are born and show themselves in the small details: being alive is in fact a joy for which we should give thanks every morning.

Let us challenge ourselves to the task of introspection and ask ourselves if we are truly grateful to others for the gestures they have made to us. This reflection will easily allow us to discover a new vision of the world around us, to see the luck that accompanies us through different lenses.

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