Hysterical Bolus And The Suffering It Causes

Hysterical bolus and the suffering it causes

Do you feel pressure in your throat? Do you have the feeling that something is stuck in it? You swallow hard and your throat tightens more and more. Try to stay calm, but this annoying feeling persists. Eventually the nervousness increases and a few tears line the face. This is the so-called hysterical bolus.

The hysterical bolus , also known as a lump in the throat, is a symptom of anxiety. The person has the constant feeling that the throat closes and that it is impossible for them to breathe. While this annoyance seems real, it isn’t.

What is the cause of the hysterical bolus?

The hysterical bolus is one of the main symptoms that indicate an anxiety problem. In most cases there is a feeling of suffocation which, however, is not real. If you try to drink a glass of water, you will have no problem doing so.

The problem is that the hysterical bolus “gets worse” if we believe his lie. In these cases, the choking sensation may grow and the person begins to fidget. .

Although we have already suffered from it and knowing that nothing will happen to us, we can still worry and shed a few tears, especially if the attacks last 10 or 15 minutes without showing any sign of improvement. If this happens regularly, you should ask a professional for help. Probably something is causing a lot of anxiety or you are afflicted with a problem to which you cannot find a solution.

Man suffering from hysterical bolus

Characteristics of the hysterical bolus

We have already got an idea of ​​how the hysterical bolus manifests itself and what a person who suffers from it feels like. Nonetheless, there are other features worth mentioning.

  • It occurs when we are calm: the hysterical bolus does not occur in moments of greatest tension or anxiety. It appears when everything is calm, making it difficult to pinpoint the cause.
  • Speaking becomes difficult: the feeling of suffocation is caused by a tension that occurs in the throat. This tension makes it difficult for us to speak.
Woman's face tripled

Ignore the symptoms of anxiety

If we have suffered from a hysterical bolus, we will probably have gone to the emergency room, where we underwent an exploration of the pharynx. The visit does not detect any objects in our throat. In many cases, therefore, we are sent home. This, however, does not solve our problem.

Ignoring the symptoms of anxiety can have serious consequences. One of these is that we will not be able to understand what is actually causing the anxious state. The hysterical bolus is a warning that shouts “stop! Something is hurting you and you don’t notice it ”. If we ignore it, it won’t go away. Instead, it will try to report the problem to us in other ways.

The hysterical bolus can be the first warning by which anxiety tries to get our attention. If we do not pay attention to these symptoms, we may experience other disorders such as depersonalization, somatization of emotions, some kind of pressure in the chest, facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy), etc.

The ideal is to seek professional help to resolve what is causing us anxiety. In fact, this can appear at any time. It does not warn and does not give warning signals that allow us to prepare.

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