What Is Your Personality?

What's your personality?

Knowing your personality can help you grow. The more one knows oneself, the more confidence one can acquire towards life. Getting to know each other also allows you to see if you need to change something, if there is any excess that reduces the quality of your life. Analyze yourself to understand what your personality is. You may have various traits that are typical of different personalities, but for sure there will be one that you stand out in and that identifies you more.

Different types of personalities

Perfectionists and meticulous

They are people who are a little obsessed with perfection. They are very rational and practice discipline in an extreme way. Authoritarian and upright, with themselves and with others. They can become annoying, because they will try to correct what is not right for them in others as well. They are rarely satisfied, there is always room for improvement, which is why they are almost always sulky and smile little.

Loyal and dependent

They value trust and sincerity a lot. Very friendly and committed to others. If there is anything that characterizes them, it is the loyalty they offer when they identify with someone. You can have complete confidence in them, because they deliver what they promise and are responsible. They have a special sensitivity and when they become attached to someone, they can become so attached that, on some occasions, they come to put the other at the center of their life.

Wrestlers and challengers

They are those people who never agree with the world around them. The predominant feature is their always disagreeing attitude. They need to dominate, command and stand out, if only because of their differences. They can appear pedantic. They are not influenced by the opinions of others. They have their own ideas and will carry them forward even if they go “against the tide”. They are cruel and resentful towards anyone who does not follow their orders. They impose their dictatorship  and want to be leaders at all costs. They will never express their emotions, they believe they are invincible and are usually surrounded by many people who find them unpleasant.

Helpers and assistants

They care more about the well-being of the people they love than their own. They are too concerned with helping and caring for others. They are very generous, sometimes possessive and very loving. Sensitive, affectionate and disinterested, they love to serve others without expecting anything in return. They are very generous. They take pleasure in being needed by others.

Enthusiastic and outgoing

They stand out for being very active, cheerful, spontaneous and fun people. They love to socialize and go into new projects. They are ambitious and impulsive. They need varied and constant activities, for this, they are usually versatile. They are very afraid of being bored, they need to spend all their time and always be in contact with people.

Individualists and introverts

Unlike the previous personality, the individualist and introvert is a reserved type, he  prefers to be alone with his ideas and projects, rather than in a social group. They are respectful and serious people, with great imagination and imagination, they are discreet and very intuitive. Introspective people are generally  very creative, by  externalizing this creativity, they could devote themselves to a profession in the art world. Because they do not like to socialize, they are unable to open up to others and can appear  shy, insecure and not very spontaneous. 

Curious and creative

They are very independent people. They want to create, investigate and invent what does not yet exist. I am like a sponge of life. What they learn they use to see beyond and to innovate. They typically isolate themselves to be alone with their thoughts and develop their perceptions, which can sometimes seem unusual. They are greedy for learning and if they commit, they typically become great professionals and experts in their field.

Leaders and victorious

They possess great security. They are brilliant, they know each other well and know how to best use their resources. They are accepted and liked, which is why they are authentic and are good people. They adapt to any situation, they are not afraid of challenges. Emotional intelligence characterizes them, which is why they are always oriented towards success in any area of ​​their life. They are pleasant, honest, enchanting, human people. They earn the respect and admiration of others.

Peaceful and quiet

They are very calm, stable, balanced people. They love to face any conflict peacefully. They are characterized by their simplicity, modesty and patience. They do not like negative environments, so they do everything to bring harmony to the world around them. They are spiritual and purifying beings. The people around them love to deal with them, because they get their support, their goodness and a breath of positivity and relaxation.

There are no better or worse personalities. All have a positive and a negative side, all if taken to excess can be harmful, as always the right is in balance. What is the personality that distinguishes you?

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