4 Psychological Benefits Of Dancing

4 psychological benefits of dancing

Don’t you know the wonderful psychological benefits of dancing yet? Have you never experienced all the positive effects this sport can bring to your life? Today we invite you to discover them: 4 very valid reasons to get your feet, mind and body in motion to the rhythm of music!

Dance is a universal language that allows two or more people to connect and communicate thanks to the simple movement of the body. Music gives us the rhythm, and our desire to move does the rest. Precisely for this reason, dancing allows us to meet new people without the need to speak, and helps us to express ourselves without using words.

In this article, we present some of the most important psychological benefits of dancing, which will have a positive effect on both your mind and body.

psychological benefits of dancing

1. Develop creativity

When we allow our body to go wild to the rhythm of music, we let the brain work in complete freedom. We don’t need any language, just to hear the music and express it through the body. Spontaneity and creativity make us feel free and allow us to take new paths, look for new solutions. The brain looks for alternative ways, trying and unraveling some of its knots.

Peter Lovaat, director of the University of Hertfordshire’s Laboratory of Dance Psychology, made a study that showed that dancing helps the brain to take new paths of thought and create new neuronal circuits.

Dancer in a wood

2. Create connections

Dancing allows us to connect deeply with ourselves. When we dance, we express feelings that we sometimes unconsciously keep within us. We can even get to free everything that weighed like a boulder in our soul. Dancing gives us the opportunity to get to know each other through a new language.

But we don’t connect only with ourselves: dance has a strong social component and opens the doors for us to meet new people. Dance unites people of all ages, allows people from different countries to speak the same language, and above all brings together people with completely different tastes, united only by music and rhythm.

3. Improve mood and self-esteem

When we dance, our mind is free: it focuses only on the feet, and this allows us to forget about all the problems for a while. When we dance, our body secretes dopamine and serotonin , two substances that free the brain from stress and generate a feeling of happiness. Other studies have found evidence that dancing could also help improve certain body aches, such as head and back pain, and some of the symptoms of depression.

Dance allows us to unite body, mind and soul. It improves relationships and strengthens the self-esteem of those who practice it, because it makes us feel better about ourselves and with others. In addition, it increases self-confidence and confidence in dance partners. Free from inhibitions and unleash your creativity on the track: in this way, doors open inside you that help you love yourself a little more.

Girl dancing in the water

4. Slow down brain aging

A study conducted by M. Joe Verghese (2003) was able to demonstrate that dancing favors the formation of neuronal synapses, slows down the volume loss of the hippocampus that occurs naturally with advancing age, and in general protects long-term brain health. One of his studies also showed that dancing stimulates the central nervous system and brain activity.

Now that you know all the psychological benefits of dancing, we invite you to turn on the music and let your mind set free while protecting the brain from aging. Dancing offers us a unique opportunity to stimulate our creativity. What are you waiting for? Unleash your feet and body, because the music and dance will make your heart beat with happiness!

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