Erostratus Complex: The Art Of Appearance

Often the more you want to appear, the more insecure you are. Precisely this dynamic explains the Erostratus complex, an increasingly widespread phenomenon, in which the classic boast actually hides a personality with low self-esteem, which tries to appear differently.
Herostratus complex: the art of appearance

We are all witnesses of the Herostratus complex. We see it in those people who make the art of appearance their way of life. There are those who speak of “posing”, others of social exhibitionism. These individuals are hunters I like social networks, persons who belong appearance sophisticated mask behind which to hide his inferiority complex.

Some think that in this new stage of technological culture we have all become a little more vain. Many of us, why not, like to showcase some aspects of our life on the Facebook wall or Instagram stories . There is nothing wrong with doing this from time to time, absolutely not. But needing to receive likes every day and that continuous approval surely comes from more serious pathological realities than it might seem.

Well, the Herostratus complex is not limited to the cybernetic universe alone. We can recognize it in the pose taken by that acquaintance who monopolizes communication between the members of a group, but also in that “ghost” colleague who does everything to appear successful and in the many people (and characters) that characterize the social landscape, invading it with their ego worship.

Those who live by appearances not only end up leading an empty and unhappy existence, beyond the anecdotal aspect, there is a detail that we cannot overlook: erostratism can induce many people to carry out harmful and exhausting behaviors to the aim to acquire notoriety.

Depiction of the complex of Herostratus.

The Erostratus complex: the man who destroyed one of the seven wonders to become famous

Historians say that on the night of July 21, 365 BC, an ominous event occurred that would go down in history. The protagonist of this act was Erostratus, a young shepherd from Ephesus. As a child he had manifested the obsessive conviction of having been chosen by the gods to carry out an extraordinary feat that would have given him fame.

He aspired to become a priest of Artemis, but not having a legitimate father, he was denied this possibility. Blinded by the thirst for fame, he had an idea, a plan that he put into action on the night of July 21st. He went to the temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world and, after kissing the statue of the goddess, he set it on fire.

Following that disaster, Artaxerxes, king of Persia, ordered that he be tortured to find out what prompted him to commit such an offense. Herostratus then declared his motives: to go down in history as the man who had set fire to the beautiful temple of Artemis.

After hearing his words, the monarch condemned him to ostracism and forbade – penalty death – his name to be registered and associated with the destruction of the temple. This condemnation, however, served no purpose.

The Greek historian Theopompus reviewed the fire and recorded the name of Herostratus, so much so that today we are aware of these facts. Furthermore, psychology chose this figure to define for people capable of doing almost anything to emerge, to acquire fame and popularity.

Serious man.

Pursuit of popularity, low self-esteem and criminal acts

Alfred Adler, a well-known Austrian therapist of the early 20th century, conducted a very interesting study, giving an explanation of the possible cause of a latent feeling of inferiority. Many of these profiles adopt the same pattern which, in some way, was already present in the same Erostratus of Ephesus.

They tend to draw up a life plan full of ideals that are difficult to achieve. In addition to this, they manifest a boundless desire to stand out, even projecting a contemptuous attitude towards all those around them. In many cases, desperately wanting to be the center of attention but failing leads them to harbor growing hostility.

In some cases this can be very dangerous, as the individual can go further and commit a crime. Erostratus himself committed one on July 21, 265 BC, burning the time of Artemis. David Chapman did the same on December 8, 1980, when he killed John Lennon, and John Hinckley attempted the life of Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981.

Vain woman.

The inner rejection that leads to violence

All of these characters manifested clearly pathological behaviors in an attempt to become famous. They did not hesitate, therefore, to attempt the life of symbolic figures and thus earn a place in history. In fact, they succeeded.

We cannot therefore trivialize or assume as anecdotal the behaviors of those who live only to appear, of those who have the constant need to be at the center of attention and thus idealize their ego, diminishing others.

Each form of appearance is a reflection of a number of shortcomings. These are frustrated personalities, who reject themselves and who try to cling to an invented image, which they struggle to consolidate in front of an audience.

Because they don’t always succeed, they opt for extreme actions, such as professionally sinking others, spreading unfounded gossip and having no qualms in that fine line between what is ethical and moral and what is not.

The Herostratus complex not only limits our chances of being happy, but very often it can cause the human being to show his darker side. Let’s keep that in mind.

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