Here And Now, Nothing Else Matters

Here and now, nothing else matters

You who get up every morning with your hair tousled and try to postpone the start of the new day, preferring to bask in the sweet relationship of love with your pillow.

You who jump out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, wash your face and throw down a quick breakfast, grabbing the house keys to go out and start a new day.

Yes, just you, who as soon as you get back in touch with reality after coming out of sleep, direct your thoughts to whatever you have to do in the morning or in the afternoon or even in the week… The future. Live in the future .

You who instead start thinking about yesterday’s interview that did not go as well as you expected, mull over the result of a job that left you unsatisfied or regret not having studied more. The past, you are now in the past .

Future and past. Past and future. Two simple moments in time, united by a thin thread, on which you walk moving from one to the other constantly.

What I did yesterday … What I will do tomorrow … ” seems to be your mantra.

And in the meantime, you can’t even enjoy the taste of breakfast, the feel of pajamas on your skin or the sun’s rays coming through your window.

Thoughts on thoughts, which follow one another and are lined up one after the other, because this is the life you are used to, a mechanical life poised between the future and the past.

Live looking forward and backward, consuming the seconds of the present. Wasting the now.

But what if you stop? Have you tried it? You may experience it, even for just a couple of seconds.

We invite you to do so. Breathe. Sit down. Connect with yourself.

Start paying attention to what you are doing, to your present. Life is made up of moments, and it’s good to start experiencing them to the fullest. Come on, try it. Full of good intentions and responsibilities.

The best place to start this process is wherever you are. Right now, as you are reading these words. Immerse yourself in the experience of reading . That way, you’ll make sure you’re carving out a moment for yourself.

Enjoy what you are doing or, at least, do it consciously. Knowing what you do, living with knowledge of the facts.

When you eat, you are just eating. Savor the food, the texture of the food… Just like when you are taking a shower: have you ever focused on the sensation of water on your skin? Or when you are enjoying a good time with your friends: dedicate yourself to them, to your conversations.

And the same goes for unpleasant moments. Not everything will always be full of joy. Dig into those feelings as well and try to understand what your goals, needs and feelings are.

Discover the power of acceptance. Forget about resentments and expectations.

Very often we move away from the present because what we are experiencing hurts us or is not as we imagined it  or because we feel guilty of what we are enjoying … The reasons can be the most diverse.

What you have done is now done, and the future, for when you have to work and strive to get what you want, will come. As we often advise you, don’t use the past as a sofa to sit on, but as a springboard from which to jump. Erase the “if” from your life, because hypotheses are not the reality. Just try to dedicate moments to yourself, to the present.

Surrender to the experience.

And remember: here and now, in this moment. Nothing else matters.

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