The Buddhist Legend About Cats

The Buddhist legend about cats

For Buddhism, cats represent spirituality.  They are enlightened beings that convey calm and harmony; for this reason, it is customary to say that whoever does not enter correctly in connection with his inner self will never be able to understand completely with a cat, much less discover its mysteries.

It is actually difficult to be surprised that the cat figure is related to Buddhism. In Thailand there is a wonderful legend that has been handed down over time, to the point of making cats bearers of peace  and intimate union in many temples in Asian countries. For this reason, in the images of the Buddha that adorn gardens and shrines, it is quite common to see a cat crouched or asleep at the foot of the same.

It is often said that dog owners enjoy the most faithful companion they can have. It is true. Nevertheless,  those who know the character of cats feel an intimate and profound connection with them  and, for this reason, many Buddhist monks, such as the master Hsing Yun, speak of the healing power of these animals. Find out more by continuing to read.

buddha and cat

A Buddhist legend about cats that originated in Thailand

First, it is important to know that Buddhism is not organized through a vertical hierarchy, but, as you may already know, religious authority rests on the sacred texts and, in turn, there is a great deal of flexibility in its approaches. The legend that we will tell you below has its roots in a specific school: Theravada Buddhism.

It was in Thailand and in this context that “The Cat Poetry Book” or Tamra Maew was written, currently kept in the Bangkok National Library as an authentic treasure to be preserved. In the ancient papyri that made up this book a wonderful story could be read which told that, when a person reached the highest levels of spirituality and then died, his soul was placidly united with the body of a cat.  

Life could be very short, corresponding to feline longevity, but when it came to an end, the soul ascended to an enlightened dimension. In turn, the Thai people of the time, knowing this belief, adopted a curious practice … 

image of buddha and kitten

When a family died, they were buried in a crypt with a live cat.  The crypt had a small slot from which the animal could escape and, when it did, it was sure that the soul of loved ones had reincarnated in the body of the cat. In this way, they achieved freedom and the path of calm and spirituality capable of preparing the soul for the later path to ascension.

Cats and spirituality

They say that cats are little meditative monks, capable of bringing harmony into the home.  According to the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order, for example, they are like people who have already attained enlightenment.

  • Cats are free beings who drink when they are thirsty, who eat when they are hungry, who sleep when they are sleepy and who do what they have to at all times, without feeling the need to please anyone.
  • They do not get carried away by the ego  and a curious detail of these animals, according to Buddhism, is that they have learned to understand humans since ancient times, on the contrary, people still do not learn to understand cats.
  • They are loyal, faithful and affectionate, their displays of affection are intimate and indirect but, nevertheless, tremendously deep. Only those who are able to delve into their inner selves, with respect and dedication, will enjoy their unparalleled love; but people who are unstable or who often raise their voices will never be liked by cats.
cats and basket of apples and tomatoes

To conclude, we know that it is not necessary to resort to Buddhist texts to understand that cats are special,  that their looks transport us to an introspective universe, which with their strange positions invite us to practice yoga, which are an example of elegance. and balance … We love them, we venerate them and, even if they themselves are convinced that they are authentic divinities, perhaps in memory of Ancient Egypt, we allow them to do so with pride.

Each of us has a story linked to these animals,  unforgettable moments that have allowed us to enjoy small moments full of magic and authenticity. Those who have certainly been useful in weaving this wonderful legend, full of ink, papyrus and mysticism. The same one that we wanted to share with you today in our space. 

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