How To Make Right Decisions

How to make right decisions

Every moment of our life is influenced by the decisions we make in a more or less conscious way. These decisions can change our career, our relationships or our whole life. Even when we don’t choose we are actually making a decision. Unfortunately, there is no manual that can help us find the correct answer, so how can we go about making the right decisions?

Learn to make a decision

Knowing how to make good decisions is a very important and also a very difficult aspect of people’s lives. This is because any situation in which we are forced to decide can have great consequences for the future, even when we do not remember these decisions or underestimate them, giving them little importance. For this reason it is essential to follow a technique, a method that allows you to choose quickly and efficiently.

The future depends on small decisions

Life is usually thought to depend on big decisions. For example, many believe that if they marry the person who happens to be the love of their life, then they will be happy. However, this person could turn out to be an abusive partner, without the other expecting it. All is well, until the day this person wants to show themselves superior. And this is the moment that can define the course of the relationship and therefore of the life of the two people involved. The person can ignore it and let the couple’s relationship be based on violence or he can impose himself and decide not to accept a violent attitude from the other.

As you can see, you have to put aside your feelings, your preconceptions and make a decision about your future. If you start eliminating what doesn’t help you choose, you will be freer to make a decision.

How to make a decision, step by step

Every day we make decisions that do not require a specific methodology, such as shopping at the supermarket. However, when it comes to more complex decisions, you can take the following steps:

  • Think about the decision you have to make.
  • Identify the two most important alternatives to choose from. Generally they are yes and no and you will find multiple possibilities for each alternative.
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each option. What happens if you do something? What if you don’t? Remember not to get caught up in fear or illusions. Be realistic.
  • Identify the pros and cons that you are willing to accept. You already know what may or may not happen, identify the risks you can tolerate and the benefits that are most convenient for you.
  • Act accordingly. Now that you know what you can and cannot accept and what is the most positive decision for you, then it’s time to choose.

Be accountable for your decisions

The process we have shown you is a simple guide, so you can modify it as you see fit. If one day you realize you’ve made a wrong decision, don’t blame yourself, but take responsibility for it. Remember that no decision is totally right and there is no way to predict the exact consequences.

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