Cronus Syndrome, The Fear Of Being Replaced

If you have almost reached your goals or have already achieved them, it is very likely that the Kronos syndrome will sooner or later knock on your door.
Chrono syndrome, the fear of being replaced

Much of the problems people encounter in achieving their goals relate to the steps they need to take to get to the goal. For most of us, the path to what we desire takes effort and perseverance, which is why we are so concerned about making no mistake. However, phenomena such as Kronos syndrome indicate that achieving one’s goals is not everything in life.

Let’s talk about the fear that some have of losing what has cost them so much effort. It typically refers to the world of work and business, but symptoms can affect other areas of our life as well. If you have almost reached your goals or have already achieved them, it is very likely that the Kronos syndrome will sooner or later knock on your door.

What exactly is Cronus syndrome?

This syndrome with such a peculiar name indicates the fear of being replaced by others in areas of life that are important to us. For example, a business executive may fear that one of his subordinates will steal his job. This belief can put him under considerable pressure that can lead to anxiety and stress, as well as triggering an attempt to sabotage anyone who is perceived as a danger.

On the other hand, Cronus syndrome is also linked to envy. In any context in which it occurs, the person who suffers from it can come to feel jealous for the results of others. It will therefore be perfectly consistent with the previous scheme, namely that of trying to belittle them and undermine their self-esteem. All this with the intention of avoiding that they can exceed its results.

Man who is afraid of judgment

Of course, one of the main triggers of this disorder is a lack of self-esteem. Those who are self-confident usually don’t need to feel superior to others. Otherwise, the opposite phenomenon occurs, giving rise to self-affirmation behaviors.

Where does the name of this syndrome come from?

Cronus syndrome is named after a god from Greek mythology. Cronos, one of the first gods, was the son of Uranus (creator of the Universe according to this culture). In his youth, Cronos killed his father to take his place as lord of all living beings, but because of this he had to pay a very high price.

For having done this himself, Cronus feared that his sons too would sooner or later kill him. So, every time a descendant was born, he ate it. However, thanks to the help of the goddess Hera, one of them managed to escape: Zeus. When he reached adulthood, he confronted his father and defeated him, saving his brothers and becoming the new lord of the universe.

Those who suffer from Kronos syndrome share some concerns with the Greek god. The main concern is that their subordinates take their place. Typically, however, when they try to protect themselves from this eventuality, they end up generating more problems than they solve, even going so far as to favor what they are so afraid of.

Anyone who is employed by someone with this syndrome will tend to be dissatisfied. This could even lead them to sabotage it, which probably wouldn’t happen if the problem didn’t exist.

How to deal with Cronus syndrome?

Below you can find some tools to mitigate the effect of this syndrome.

  • Work on your self-esteem. Even if they do not admit it, people with this syndrome often believe that they are not sufficiently capable. If you want to get out of it, you will have to learn to trust yourself. Only then will you realize that you are unique and that as such you cannot be replaced.
  • Aim for excellence. Regardless of the area affected by Kronos syndrome, if you don’t want to fear being replaced by someone, offer the best version of you.
  • Accept that you can’t always win. Finally, you will have to learn to live with this idea: you will not always be able to be the best, even if you dedicate your entire life to this enterprise. But does that mean you can’t live the life you want? Ultimately, there will certainly be goals within your reach and that satisfy you. If you try, you can certainly achieve a better situation than the one you are experiencing right now.
Happy woman

Cronus syndrome can be a rather serious obstacle for anyone who wants to achieve goals. However, with a little persistence it is possible to overcome this fear. If you have recognized yourself in the content of this article, it means that it is time to get down to business.

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