The Way Of Eating Defines The Personality

Apparently the way we eat is associated with our personality. Or, at least, this is what a curious experiment demonstrates that led to the definition of 10 different personality models, in relation to the different way of eating. And you, in which one do you recognize yourself?
The way of eating defines the personality

Have you ever thought that personality can also express itself at the table through the way we eat? This is what Juliet A. Boghossian says after having conducted an experiment that led her to the following conclusion: the way of eating defines the personality.

Thanks to this experiment, different personality models related to the way of eating have been identified: whether or not you savor food, whether you eat quickly, choose your food carefully, mix or not different ingredients, etc. Find out what your model is!

The way of eating defines the personality

The aforementioned experiment was commissioned by the Food-Ology company with the aim of discovering to what extent the way of eating is really able to define our personality. Therefore, the Californian company has studied the different eating habits to verify whether or not they are attributable to personality traits and behavioral tendencies.

Experimentation has shown that some personality models have specific characteristics in relation to the different way of eating.

The research was led by Juliet A. Boghossian, founder of Food-Ology and an expert on food-related behaviors.

Friends at the restaurant.

Savor the food

According to the experiment, people who eat slowly, who taste and chew their food well, are self-confident and self-confident personalities; individuals capable of enjoying life.

The calm shown at the table would also be reflected in daily life through behaviors or aspects such as control and personal safety.

Eat quickly

People who eat food quickly, without chewing it, are used to doing several things at the same time.

In relationships, they are people who often put the interests of others before their own. On the other hand, they also need to allow themselves their own space.

The way we eat defines our personality: classifying foods

People who classify food before eating it; whether based on color, size or origin, they have a tendency to order and cleanliness.

Or they love to live quietly. At work they are quite organized, but not very reactive in dealing with unexpected and stressful situations.

Openness to new experiences

There are also those who love to dare at the table and are always ready to try new dishes and ingredients. These are usually outgoing and risk-loving people.

They never get bored and tend to like everyone a little. On the other hand, they don’t like being alone. They always need to have people around.

Maintain the same habits

According to the experiment, people who are temperamentally more introverted tend to always eat the same things and do not like to mix foods and ingredients. They are meticulous people and lovers of detail.

Mix ingredients and foods

On the contrary, according to the experiment, people who like to mix foods and ingredients are strong, friendly and with great responsibility. On the other hand, at work, they lack some practicality when it comes to setting priorities.

Eat casually

The most “relaxed” personalities are those who tend to drink and chew with their mouths open at the table, making noise. They don’t care what others think of them.

In this sense, they show a straightforward and direct profile, which not everyone likes. Furthermore, this way of being so “casual” tends to be reflected in other areas of life, as well as at the table.

The way we eat defines our personality: planning

During the experiment it was found that planning personalities cut and prepare food with extreme care before consuming it.

Furthermore, these are people who tend to live projected into the future rather than the present (it is more difficult for them to bring attention to the here and now and enjoy it).

Have everything under control

The most demanding personalities always need to know everything about what they will consume. They are actually very curious people. However, despite curiosity, they tend to stay in their comfort zone and avoid too many risks.

Always eat the same things

People who tend to eat the same thing over and over, meal after meal, without ever mixing foods, are generally analytical personalities, lovers of detail and method. In some cases, they can even border on mental rigidity.

Man eating.

The way of eating defines the personality: final considerations

In fact, our personality is reflected in a large part of our daily activities, including the way we eat. Of course, not all personalities necessarily eat the same way.

As the study cited reveals, however, some personality traits can predispose us to act in one way or another, even at the table.

And you, in which model do you recognize yourself the most? Have you ever wondered if your way of eating could be linked to your personality?

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