Quotes About Trust That Make You Think

Phrases about trust that make you think

It is never wrong to take some time to reflect on the concept of trust. A value of great importance, but which also tends to be very fragile. In fact, it is difficult to gain trust in something or someone and, instead, it is very easy to lose it. For this reason, it is necessary to constantly feed it and learn to find it when it seems to be no longer there. In this regard, we present some phrases on trust to reflect with.

Etymologically, the word trust comes from the Latin confidentia and means with “with all faith” or “with absolute conviction”.

Trust is believing that everything will go as you hope or expect. It involves hope and feelings of security, towards one or more people, a situation or oneself. Through trust, the bonds underlying interpersonal relationships and self-esteem are strengthened. The phrases about trust that we have gathered in this article remind us of the importance of this great value.

Phrases about trust

Here is one of the most moving phrases about trust: “Trust is created when, despite being vulnerable, they do not take advantage of us”. The claim is attributed to famed speaker Bob Vanourek and underscores the fact that trust depends on worthy behavior and is proven with hard facts.

People shaking hands

A phrase by Fancis Bacon makes us reflect on one of the characteristics that define trust: time spent. It states: “Age seems to be the best ally in four things: old wood is the best to fire, aged wine is the best to drink, old friends are the best to trust, and old authors are the best to read. “. And he’s right. Time gives us a reason or not to trust the people we know.

Trust is also to be considered a global attitude towards life. Hellen Keller, in one of her quotes, states: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievements: nothing can be done without hope or trust”.

Similarly, Albert Einstein points out that  some clues help us to understand when we can trust someone or not : “Whoever does not take the truth seriously in small matters, is not trustworthy in the big ones.” Very wise words.


Some phrases about trust refer to being confident in yourself and your abilities. In this regard, Henry David Thoreau states: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined ”. It is a clear invitation to have faith in your goals and dreams.

Lonely boy watches the sunrise

William Jennings Bryan gives us some great advice for building self-confidence: “You can develop self-confidence by dealing with what’s frightening you and noting all your successes.” This is a great strategy, as  the lack of confidence comes from fear and facing it is a way to heal from this deficiency.

Elizabeth Gilbert gives us another wonderful phrase about trust: “Failure to open up to hope blocks trust and lack of trust destroys dreams”. These words hide a great truth because they describe the vicious circle in which we all often fall: the lack of confidence prevents you from achieving success and the lack of success causes you to lose confidence in yourself.

Trust in others

One cannot live without trusting others. When we feel obliged to be wary, our life is significantly impoverished. It is not easy to build a relationship based on trust between two human beings, but it is worth it. This virtue is perhaps the most important factor in making interpersonal relationships work. In this regard Stephen R. Covey states: “When trust is high, communication is easy, instantaneous and effective”.

As long as there is trust, any problem is solvable. In fact, trust itself is an element that helps overcome difficulties. As Mona Sutphen puts it: “Most good relationships are based on mutual trust and respect.”

Friends have fun by the sea

We cannot idealize trust. We are human, therefore always exposed to error. Some more than others. We can hardly be consistent in all our actions. Sometimes we disappoint someone, but they are not deliberate actions aimed at hurting or betraying others.

In order for there to be trust, people in a relationship must be certain that they do not want to voluntarily cause any harm. One of the most beautiful quotes from Ernest Hemingway reads: “

The best way to find out if someone can be trusted is to trust them


Every now and then it is worth rereading these phrases about trust, because, let us remember once again, it is fragile. This is why it happens to lose it from time to time. We must not allow this to happen frequently. Trust is essential to achieving true well-being.

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