The Unconscious: A Great Ally Of Our Mind

The unconscious: a great ally of our mind

The unconscious is one of the fundamental pillars of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. This word has now entered our vocabulary, so much so that it has become an “everyday” concept. We often misuse it to take away our blame, using it as an excuse for many mistakes we make.

However,  the most recent studies, both in the psychological and neurological fields, are carrying out a concept of the unconscious very different from that of psychoanalytic theory, according to which it represented the darkest part of us and the one that housed our most unmentionable drives.

We are all aware of the existence of the unconscious, which manifests itself even only through some practical consequences. For example, it happens to frantically search for something we have lost and not be able to find it until we relax: only at that point, as if by magic, a clear message emerges from a corner of our mind, telling us where we had it. left. This is all information that comes from the unconscious.

Two ways of processing information: the conscience and the unconscious

One of the most striking differences between these two parts of the mind is speed. If we only used the conscious part of us, in fact, we would need about 4 years to elaborate reflections that the unconscious is able to analyze in about 10 minutes.

When we have to make decisions , the unconscious is of great help, because it allows us to move an immense amount of information and allows us to decide taking into consideration many different criteria.  It also allows us to carry out difficult tasks in a simple way, such as driving, reading, communicating… It also helps us to control our emotions and identify those of those around us.

It seems increasingly clear that most of what we do throughout the day is driven by the unconscious. Perhaps this statement will frighten you a little: what does it mean? And conscience, isn’t it important? Doesn’t it help us choose? But we must rest assured: the truth is that everything stored in the unconscious has passed through consciousness first. It is simply the result of our experiences and our way of life.

It is knowledge that has been stored in the form of the unconscious in order to be more useful to us. Can you imagine what our life would be like if we had to reflect on everything we do? Try it, if you want: choose any simple action, like climbing stairs, and you will see how hard it will be to do it by constantly thinking about what you are doing and how you have to do it.

The unconscious is a great ally, what frightens us is not knowing how it processes information. In fact, we can only receive the fruit of his work when he has finished it, and it is possible that our deep desire for control will cause us mistrust of him.

But it is good to remember that the unconscious is limited to giving us the information it has processed: only we, in the last resort, have the right to choose whether to use it or not. If we become aware of its usefulness and realize that it is an excellent ally, we will begin to have confidence in its abilities. Cooperation with this part of us will become stronger and more productive, making it easier for us to achieve our goals.

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