Thank You For Being My Constant In A World Of Variables

Thank you for being my constant in a world of variables

Thank you for being my constant in a world full of variables. To multiply my joys and divide my pains, until they almost disappear with your friendship. To be one of those people who leave a hard-to-forget mark.

Thank you for always keeping up the courage, even if everything else changes.  To stay by my side in the universe of the possible, without the odds of something going wrong preventing you from continuing to be my constant. Because your courage does not diminish, even with the passage of time.

Perhaps what most impressed me was the fact that you are my input, every year that passes, and now many have passed. I just want to say thank you for reminding me of the enthusiasm and innocence of the beginning. To see myself as a fighter and an example when I only see fear.

Thank you for your friendship and for everything that never stops uniting us, despite the distance making us miss each other. Thank you for being my prime number when others try to make me disappear; when you prevent zero, the king of my fears, from using its power against me.

Thank you for being my inspiration and my breath

Thank you for being my inspiration and my breath, whatever step I decide to take.  So, even if I’m wrong, I can rest assured, because I know that you will always be by my side. I love that you understand that mistakes can be remedied and that you shouldn’t get carried away by them.


Our lives have crossed and, even if they now go on in parallel, if the axis of our coordinates is correct, on our path we will be able to meet again. Perhaps thanks to a linear transformation, adding what unites us and multiplying the oblique line of what brings us closer, we will be much closer.

Thank you for teaching me that two people are one world and one person is half of himself, a  concept unknown to mathematics. Because the reality of friendship is a construction that only its members can understand and explain.

I love having constant support, which not even the inexorability of time can change. Our union is like the harmonic mean that physics aspires to and that it cannot always calculate. Thank you for understanding this attractive force that has united us in difficulties and which, now, is constant in the midst of difficulties.

The constant of our life is the bond of friendship

The constant of our life is the bond of friendship.  In a mutant universe, counting on constant support like yours is priceless, nor are there any obstacles that can make us doubt this bond. The same one that started in random ways, as if fate, throwing the dice in the air, always decided to make them come out double, to make us win.

Thank you for reminding me that almost everything arrives and that only those who are able to push themselves a little beyond their strength are able to overcome the frontier marked by their limits. Thank you for teaching me that everything can change, work, home or the city, but that, despite all this, the bond that unites us remains indestructible. Because our friendship has no limits, but it is a constant, despite all the variables that may arise on our path.   


But most importantly, thank you for making sure I am the best version of me every day,  for helping me when I had to start over and when I just had to reset. Think that I am better for everything you bring me and thanks to the advice you give me. I’m better because you listen to me and then tell me what you think, with enough stiffness to make me react, without hurting me.

I am better above all because you have taught me that the selfishness of wanting to walk alone takes us away from sharing. Thus, I realized that the successes that are told are not celebrated as cheerfully as those in which others have accompanied you from the beginning. Think that, thanks to you, I have learned that what is ours is worth more than what is mine.

Remember that the difference between loving and being able is believing. That the efforts during the journey of life are normal. I want you to remember, especially when you are sad, that you can count on me to achieve those dreams that you don’t want to let go. I will always be here, to make them happen with you, as you have always done with me.

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