Become The Person You Want To Be

Am I the person I always wanted to be or the one that others expect me to be? There always comes a time when you have to ask yourself about it and choose; a transition that requires much more than courage or self-confidence. We need a plan and some strategies.
Become the person you want to be

Entrepreneur, astronomer, independent and self-confident, high school teacher, influencer, sports coach, a happier and more fulfilled person. Each of us paints the canvas of their dreams with colors and signs incomprehensible to others. But how do you become the person you want to be? Where to start?

Life goals, like existential desires, do not manifest themselves in front of us with a simple snap of the fingers or by saying some magic word. We know that everything requires a path of personal growth and improvement for which not everyone is ready. Because the classic formula “trust yourself and you will find your way” is not enough to achieve certain goals.

Becoming the person you want to be, finally living that long-dreamed life and showing the desired personality requires an inner transformation that is part of a process. A transformation that presupposes a gradual change until the best version of oneself emerges.

The ability to conquer what you want, which does not give up and does not give up, and continues to work for one’s desires day after day. We are born and we must evolve to become the people we want to be. The time has come to do it.

Man at the beach.

Important aspects of becoming the person you want to be

Carl Rogers was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. His humanist approach has provided the field of personal development with new perspectives and tools that continue to be relevant today. According to Rogers, each of us over time, and almost without noticing it, wears multiple masks.

These masks are anchors for social recognition. Through them we express our desire to be accepted, integrated and even appreciated. But there comes a time when so many masks overlap that we struggle to recognize each other. Because we have lived projected towards others and not towards ourselves, our values, ideals, dreams and desires.

We have spent so much time apart from our inner voice that it is necessary to embark on a journey back to oneself. Only in this way is it possible to start a transformation path that does not intend to shape a new ego, but to bring out the most authentic essence, the one that we have silenced for too long.

Being clear about who we want to be (forgetting who “we should” be)

We spend half of our lives building a version of us that doesn’t always match our values. In other words, we often focus more on who we “should be” rather than who we “really want to be”. What to do in these cases?

  • Think about how you would like to see yourself in five years. Be specific about how you see yourself, what activities you do and who or what revolves around you.
  • Try to understand why you want to be that kind of person. Is it your desire or are you conditioned by something? Does that future and coveted version of you match your values ?

Recognize your potential, identifying limits and shortcomings

Ask yourself what your potential and your flaws are. Do you have the skills and expertise to shape your future version? If so, give them due recognition and start developing them.

On the other hand, it is equally important to recognize one’s own limitations and shortcomings. It is necessary to get rid of all the masks behind which we have hidden. In doing so, fears and insecurities are likely to emerge in some cases.

In fact, those who have waited too long for recognition and acceptance by others will need more time to heal and strengthen their inner power. Only in this way can you become the person you want to be.

Awaken your psychological strengths

Emotions, thoughts and actions must always be in tune with each other in order to achieve our goals. Our whole being must be oriented towards those life goals that guard our happiness.

One way to do this, to feel safer and to achieve an optimal state of mind is to activate what psychologists Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman defined in 2004 as strengths. The following are best suited to our case:

  • Enthusiasm : it is the engine and energy that moves thoughts towards a purpose, combining creativity, self-confidence and also a certain dose of optimism.
  • Commitment : Developing a firm commitment to yourself and our goals is a bridge to success.
  • Meaning : everything we do, think and feel must have a meaning, an end. Nothing we do should ever be accidental.
  • Transcendence. Applying transcendence means having a purpose and striving for excellence. This concept is linked to that summit of which Abraham Maslow spoke in his theory of human needs, the one in which one aspires to self-realization.

Accept the fears as they are part of the transformation process

Another critical aspect of the path to becoming the person you want to be is recognizing and accepting your fears, there is no need to hide or deny them. No one begins the most important adventure of his life without carrying a baggage of fears; they are, after all, an undeniable part of our essence, of human nature.

Woman looking at the sea.

To become the person you want to be, you have to choose the best path for yourself every day

Evolving, improving oneself, transforming oneself into a better version of oneself, requires knowing how to choose the best path to follow every day. if we wake up overwhelmed by discouragement and frustration, we have to choose the best state of mind for us: renunciation or improvement?

If, on the other hand, two alternatives are presented to us, such as choosing the easier way, that is, adapting to what others expect from us, or continuing to work alone on what we want, then we must find the courage to choose, to think about which is the best choice.

We cannot ignore that well-being and happiness always presuppose a choice. Doing it with courage, in line with our desires, values ​​and expectations is always the best option. Let’s not forget it.

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