3 Psychology Tips To Make Life Easier

3 psychology tips to make life easier

We live in a society where the number of diseases associated with stress and anxiety does not stop increasing. We certainly don’t like feeling stressed, in fact the physiological alterations that accompany stress are quite unpleasant, but it is important to remember that, from the perspective of psychology, a measured and balanced dose of stress is healthy because it reminds us that even our emotions are not should be neglected.

Although we tend to associate stress with harmful consequences for health, in reality this condition has a positive side if we know how to manage it and use it for both our physical and mental benefit. Positive psychology thus becomes one of the best tools to overcome stress: it is a discipline of psychology that believes that emotional health can be trained and exercised beyond the presence or absence of an illness.

Today we will reveal 3 basic ideas of positive psychology to make your life easier and successfully overcome moments of stress. By putting these tips into practice, you will be able to benefit from stressful situations to achieve positive results in everyday life.

Stress and happiness, parallel emotions

According to various scientific researches, the physiological symptoms of stress are very similar to most of the symptoms of cheerfulness. When we are under stress, we struggle to breathe, our heart rate increases and it resembles what we have when we are cheerful or happy.


Starting from this assumption, an effective advice is to see the stressful situation as a positive challenge which, if overcome, will allow us to move forward in all senses. Being able to control your emotional states and being able to achieve what you have set out to bring brings joy and happiness. Remember this gift whenever you feel stressed or start to lose control due to nervousness.

How to feel confident from the first moment

Our self-confidence is a self-perception that needs to be reinforced frequently. Very often it fades and is weakened due to stress and lack of judgment that push us to focus on negative things to accumulate them in our memory without leaving room for what, instead, we have done well.

On the other hand, considering the perception of safety that others have of us, it has been shown that people who are part of our environment tend to be wrong when they make assumptions about our level of safety regarding the path we have decided to take. . In fact, the most common idea is that love becomes an interference that is underestimated.

soap bubbles

Non-verbal language as a pillar of personal relationships

It’s something you already know, but we still want to remind you: the importance of non-verbal language in building healthy and balanced personal relationships. There are many texts and materials at your disposal to work on non-verbal language, but there are some simple tips that you can put into practice right away.


For example, eye contact increases the likelihood that there is a certain chemistry when you know someone, and also lessens the effects of negative communication. Somehow, eye contact protects the communication channel and is a signal that the other person understands that you are receptive and immersed in interacting with them. If it is not natural for you to look your interlocutor in the eye, because maybe you are shy, you can practice it in a conscious and free way with someone you trust, with whom you have a certain complicity.

During business meetings or meetings that require a lot of emotional effort, it’s important to remember to keep yourself relaxed. To stay calm in front of colleagues and / or interlocutors, imagine that they are old friends. In this way, you will feel freer, you will worry less and, therefore, you will behave in a much more natural way.

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